Post Christmas Shopping

One of the best time for shopping is after Christmas when they have boxing day sales. Boxing day sales in Singapore may not be as crazy or as fantastic as the ones in the states but some places do offer really good deals! Since Aikee was in town and the weather was perfect, it was time to hit Orchard Road.

It seems that every year there will be people complaining that the Singapore Christmas street light ups are getting worse and worse but I beg to differ. I think we do a great job with the Christmas lightings and especially so last year even when there was a world wide recession. I think there was a lot of talk on eco light ups as well.

Our Christmas lightings may not be as good as New York’s Rockerfella Center (everything seems super-sized and better in the states!) or the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Birmingham or even  the VanDusen Botanical Garden in Canada but I’m really proud that a tiny country like ours takes the effort to beautify our shopping area. I must say that the decorations span a pretty far distance too ( from Scotts and Tanglin to the Marina Bay area).

Apart from shopping, there were quite a number of stops for yogurt and ice-cream!

Here’s what I wore!


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