Porcelain The Face Spa

I guess for my regular blog readers, you’ll probably know by now that for the last 2 years I’ve started to be more and more interested in skincare. I guess it’s probably because I started to see new problems with my skin only in the last 2 years which is fuel for the drive to do something about it. While on the surface, most people would look at me and see that I seem to have “flawless” skin, it’s only a misconception. Yes it’s true that I don’t really get major pimple breakouts nor do I have any obvious acne scars but my hectic lifestyle, late nights and lack of a discipline skincare routine through the last few years have definitely helped in my skin’s deterioration.

What I have is tiny oil bumps under my skin that never surfaces as pimples (so they may go undetected to the unobservant eye) but are actually one of the most difficult to get rid off because the excess oil is trapped under the skin instead of erupting out as pimples do. And I also have rather large pores around my nose region.

I’ve looked and shopped around and finally settled on Porcelain The Face Spa to be the center of my skin consulting needs as well as provider of my facial services so that I may regain what everyone wants – beautiful skin.

My first appointment with them took me to 31A Cantonment Road, Singapore 089747 (tel: 62279692). The nearest MRT is Outram Park station and the nearest car park would be at the infamous Pinnacle@Duxton. It’s along the row of shop houses facing the Singapore Police Headquarters.

Up a little flight of stairs and you’ll find Porcelain The Face Spa.  Knowing that the owners have 18 years of experience in creating solutions to achieve beautiful skin is a reassuring factor. Being in a facial spa for the first time and being at a new hair salon is equally filled with tension for me. The idea that I’m placing my beauty (yes I’m vain) in the hands of someone else scares me but once that initial contact has been made and a great job has been done, you can be sure that I’ll always be a loyal customer.

Porcelain The Face Spa has a cozy interior that sooths me immediately once I enter even though it’s just steps away from the bustling streets.

A little form to fill and chat on my previous and current skin care routine helps my therapist to get to know my skin history a little better. Their company’s direction has been based on a simple concept that have proved successful on their many customers. Many of them who are regulars with them. Porcelain The Face Spa aims at customizing a detailed treatment specially for each individual customer that will definitely produce effective results. I think it’s a fantastic idea! Nothing speaks more than results right?

The whole concept of their skin care is for their customers to eventually achieve naturally porcelain clear complexions that will no longer need any sort of foundation or makeup to look good. I made a decision that day that I will no longer use any make up on my skin with the exception of eye makeup. No concealers, foundation, BB creams, loose powder or any of that sort. (Well I guess it’s easier for me to give it up cause I’m so lazy to put them on most of the time anyways!) And hopefully my readers can track the progress of my skin as I journey with Porcelain The Face Spa on my search for beautiful glowing skin.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the treatment room to start on the first of my facial treatments.

A quick analysis of my skin by the professional skin therapist confirms my problems of oil bumps, uneven spots and large pores. I also have an oilier than usual T-zone and all the many traveling has basically made my skin rather volatile with no sense of equilibrium. I cringe whenever I look at my skin up close like this and being a vainpot, this picture is already the best one of th e 4 I took. Look closely at my nose bridge and forehead to see the many little red bumps, my oversensitive red skin too.

The whole facial routine took 2 and 1/2 hour which means that nothing was rushed and nothing was left to chance. Most other facial spas finish up in just 60 or 90 mins so they can slot in more appointments for the day. Porcelain The Face Spa on the other hand, makes sure that there is more than enough time to do major deep cleansing and prep each and every oil bump, pimple and black head for extraction. Facial includes double/triple cleansing, exfoliation, skin analysis, deep cleansing extraction, customized concoction of serums & ampoules, customized blended mask and use of one selected equipment as recommended by the Therapist.

Looking like a total Egyptian mummy here but it’s all worth it when you see the scary amounts of white heads I have when the scraps of paper were peeled off my skin! I also underwent LED light therapy which is a NASA approve treatment and is used by dermatologists all over the world. The doses of red lights help cell rejuvenation, increase collagen, prevents lines and helps to heal the skin after all that extraction. Then the doses of blue lights kills bacteria, prevents infections and controls acne. All these would have easily emptied my pockets at the doctor’s office but now that the technology is finally released for usage in spas and no longer just at the dermatologist, it can be more affordable for everyone.

A nice herbal tea afterwards while I listen to Pauline explain the skin care I need to embark on. The best thing is that their skin care treatments includes take home products catered specially for each individual. So everyone takes home a different set of products depending on what your skin needs.

My customized take home facial care includes a good gentle cleanser and a special treatment tonic.

It also includes a specially formulated preservative free “Balance” serum to help control oil secretions and to help soften my oil bumps for easier extraction the next time round. The Aloe recovery gel helps to sooth my very sensitive skin and heal the tiny wounds from the extraction process. Lastly, while I don’t wear foundation or any form of powder, I have “Doll”, an oil free tinted sunscreen specially formulated to absorb fast into the skin and won’t clog any pores. Their products have gone through many years of research in the USA and are manufactured in USA, Japan, Taiwan and Switzerland. They basically took the ingredients of the same expensive products you get from dermatologist and big brand names, repackaged it without the frills of marketing costs so that their customers can enjoy the same benefits without the hefty price tags.

Right after the facial, my face looked worse and the bumps highlighted with redness! But within a day or 2, the redness subsided and my skin is remarkably much clearer with much fewer bumps and unevenness.  All these after just one session! I’ve just booked my appointment for my 2nd session with Porcelain The Face Spa and I can’t wait to hurry up the journey to better skin! The part I love most about them is that there is no hard selling. They believe that results and good service is enough to send customers soaring back to them and they are probably right; seeing as how packed their appointments are.

For my dear readers, you can also try Porcelain Trial facial at only $38!!! It’s worth $380 so that’s major savings! Quote KR1 and you even get an additional eye mask! How much better can it get! You can visit their website at www.porcelainfacespa.com for more info or if you can’t wait to get started, click here for their online appointment forms and don’t forget to quote KR1 for your free eye mask with your $38 facial trial.

PS- The special code will be located at my side bar links under ” Renzze Recommends” in case you need to find it in a jiffy!



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