Porcelain skin while I fly

Flying is the best time for me to take care of my skin. It’s time that usually forces me to put aside emails and any type of work. It’s time that I use for reading that book I’ve put aside for months because I fall straight to slumberland the moment I touch anywhere cozy. It’s the time that I use to catch up on the movies that I’ve missed and definitely time for me to either try on a new mask product or go back to my trusty ones from Porcelain Face Spa.

It was a late night flight which is the best time for my skin to breath and absorb as much nutrients as it possibly can from whatever mask I choose to lay on my face. Doing so also helps combat the very dry and stale air that you get on airplanes. The mask I’ve selected is Porcelain Spa’s Hydrocare Bio-cellulose Mask which moisturizes, nourishes and protect. Usually I’ll stick it on my face for 20 mins and then remove it to use it on my neck. This way my neckline can gain some of the benefits at no additional costs!


Usually after the mask, I’ll apply some pure aloe vera on my skin, fall asleep till 30 mins before arrival. When I wake, I do a simple wipe of my face with water or with toner and I’m all fresh and ready for my holiday.

If you want to know more about Porcelain Face Spa products or treatments, please visit their website at http://www.porcelainfacespa.com


Currently, this is their latest promo which is a crazily good offer. A whole 6 sets of luxury pampering treatments for just $150. Bring a partner or a friend and it’s only $125 each!! Super awesome deal!





  1. Pepello
    July 2, 2012 / 8:38 am

    Cool bag. Is it Longchamp? I thought they only had solid colors. Are you still going to porcelain for your facial treatments?

  2. Pepello
    July 2, 2012 / 8:38 am

    Cool bag. Is it Longchamp? I thought they only had solid colors. Are you still going to porcelain for your facial treatments?

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