Pineapple Louis

I just got back and already my plate of to-do is overflowing ( reports… weddings… assignments… housework!). Still, it’s great to be home and to be able to spend time with my doggies and do simple things like cooking or meeting up my family and friends (I haven’t seen them in ages and which I’ve yet to do!).

I’ve removed my “away” banner and replaced it with a new one… no prizes for guessing what I will be blogging about in the next couple of days! I actually wanted to blog sooner but as it turns out, I had some technical difficulties and couldn’t get my photos uploaded. In fact I still owe some people photos ( sorry Holly) and I couldn’t do up some of my assignments on time.

But it’s all gonna be fine cause all my technical issues seem to be coming together just fine. I am now able to upload pics… my BB that recently died ( I lost everyone’s contacts for awhile) has miraculously revived itself  and is working like new.

I did mention that I do like cooking (especially when it’s more of the baking variety) when I have spare time on my hands… so I made some Hawaiian pizzas.


And the fresh pineapple I bought to cook came with the standard tag with rubber band. This I gave to Louis so he could use it as a hat! Hehe.

He was happy with his new hat… and stayed with me in the kitchen while I baked.

Here was the outfit I wore to run some errands… pass a friend a belated birthday gift and then to the supermarket to gather all the ingredients for the pizza.

Pantsuits can be quite fun sometimes!

Close up of accessories and shoes… I wasn’t supposed to be wearing those green earrings… I found them dropped in my car and was afraid I’ll lose them again so I decided that the safest way was to wear them till I got home but I forgot to take them off before my outfit photos were taken!



  1. January 27, 2010 / 11:09 pm

    Interesting heel. I was surprised by the pantsuit, at first when I scrolled down and saw your top half, I was expecting the usual tube dress that you normally wear! Louis looks cute as usual. He is stealing my heart (: I think the pineapple hat actually looks like an eye mask, and Louis looks like he has just woken up and lifted the eye mask away from his eyes, so that he can look at whatever that has woken him up. Welcome back home!

  2. January 28, 2010 / 1:08 am


    Yes… dresses are usually more my choice of style but I guess pantsuits can be pretty fun from time to time. Louis has a face of a little angel but don’t let it fool you! He’s a mischievous one too! I guess the smarter one is, the naughtier one tends to be too! Emmie’s the obedient one of the two.

    • January 28, 2010 / 10:19 am

      Thanks Katherine! It’s great to be home!

  3. Yan
    January 28, 2010 / 11:42 am

    I see that you have used S&W pineapples! GOOD CHOICE – they are absolutely the sweetest pines you can find 🙂

    (Yes I am promoting Sweet 16s here, but once you’ve tried S&W Sweet 16 pines, they are the only ones you’re gonna think of in a while!)

    Best served chilled *~~~~~~

    • January 28, 2010 / 12:12 pm


      LOL… you really do sound like their SA! But yes I agree that they have really sweet pineapples =)

  4. Janice Shermaine
    February 1, 2010 / 11:09 am

    Louis is very cute in this photo where u make him wear the pizza hat, his eyes are so cute, i want him!

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