Photojournal: Paris in the Summer

I had a hectic weekend, got home on Sunday night and decided to do some blogging. Then when I opened my unsorted photos, I realize that I have tons of holiday photos and overseas trips that I never got around documenting them on my blog! Sorting through holiday photos is always very taunting but I will try to slowly select some to share them with you. Today are some photos taken in Paris during Summer.

Whenever I find the right time and the right mood, I like to take random street photographs especially when I’m overseas. It captures the architecture and the day-to-day happenings that might or might not be the same anymore in a decade from now but it’s the sort of memories that makes the sum of my travel experiences.

I spotted “Louis” in Paris! You can’t believe my excitement when I saw this Cocker Spaniel. It resembles so much like my  “Louis” which I always miss when I’m away for from home for too long.

It’s not just Singapore. Summer in Paris is super hot as well. Which is why my favorite season to travel is Spring or Autumn. In fact, I usually rather have winter than be caught in the middle of summer. The heat in Singapore is what I need a vacation from so travelling 15 to 16 hours to another sweltering location isn’t very enticing to me unless I have a beach holiday in mind.




  1. Chloe
    July 4, 2012 / 1:28 am

    just wanted to ask; what’s your job and age? hehe

    • July 12, 2012 / 3:06 pm

      Hi Chloe,

      What sensitive questions! LOL. Well, I’m 30 and turning 31 this year. I had a career switch last year and am currently in the social media line 🙂

  2. Chloe
    July 4, 2012 / 1:28 am

    just wanted to ask; what’s your job and age? hehe

    • July 12, 2012 / 3:06 pm

      Hi Chloe,

      What sensitive questions! LOL. Well, I’m 30 and turning 31 this year. I had a career switch last year and am currently in the social media line 🙂

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