Photo Journal: Silently outside the Musee de Louvre

Captured while noticing others not noticing you.



  1. Gigi
    May 24, 2011 / 10:13 pm

    Hi Karen

    Nice photos you have taken in Paris! What are the places that are suitable for senior citizens to visit in Paris? I am taking my parents there in September but I heard from my friends that all the tourism spots require lots of walking so I am a bit worried now. Thank you so much!


    • May 25, 2011 / 4:07 am


      Thanks 🙂 Yes Paris is a walking city but their metro train systems are very good so it you are afraid that your parents get tired, you can take the trains from one location to the next instead of walking. You can also take them on a cruise on the Seine River and they can sightsee without having to overexert!

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