Petit Trianon

Okay, I just realised there was a little mix up in the pictures of the Grand Trianon and the Petite  Trianon. So I’ve corrected both entries.

Louis XVI gave this lovely and quaint little château to his 19 year old queen Marie Antoinettes as a wedding present in 1774. Petit Trianon is a wonderful neoclassical masterpiece that has been carefully restored to the exact condition that it was in 1789, the day the royal couple was seized and beheaded by the revolutionaries. This lovely pink enclave is Marie Antoinette’s little hideaway and no one, including the King, was allowed to step foot in without her permission. This was where she conducted her little plays where she would act and where she could dispense with all the court formalities. It really a gorgeous little place and there’s even a hamlet nearby just for her. I’ll talk about that in my next post.


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