Party Perfect Skincare Workshop

I’ve had a long relationship with Porcelain, The Face Spa. I love their treatments but due to my schedule, I don’t always have time to go for a full facial. As much as I love beauty, I usually keep my facial and hair appointments to a minimun cause they usually take 3 to 4 hours and I would usually have to put an entire day aside for it. Great for a pampering session but not so great if you have a million items on your to-do list.

Porcelain understands this problem a lot of their clients have and invite me over for a small intimate session to learn how to do a simple DIY facial at home using Porcelain skincare products to help refresh the skin when one is too busy for a full professional at salon facial session. It was held in an industrial building but I love how they decorated the inside to a quirky industrial chic studio that was ultra cozy. Yummy food and anti-oxidant drinks were prepared for us too!

I came with light makeup and the first step was Porcelain Pre-cleanse. It helps to remove all makeup including waterproof makeup such as my eyeliner! This was followed by Porcelain Soothe Hydro Cleanser. I love how all Porcelain products are super gentle to my sensitive skin but still works effectively. It’s a parabens-and-sulfates-free cleanser  that cleanses, hydrates and nourishes your skin with its 6 natural ingredients and infusion of powerful antioxidants and skin-conditioning agents.

Once my face was all clean, I could do a little exfoliation with Porcelain Revive Skin Refiner. This works as a very gentle but effective form of exfoliator.

Although non-abrasive, you can be assured that it melts the  impurities and dead skin cells and all you have to do is wash it off! You find you skin more radiant immediately! The aloe extracts and natto extracts combined with natural enzymes can even use it on acne skins without worry of causing more harm. Tiny beads will form on your face as you rub away your surface dead skin cells away!

The next step is Porcelain Revive Oxygen Cleansing Mask. Even though I’ve used most of Porcelain’s product before, this is a new one and it was my first time trying it.

It’s a light lotion texture that you apply all over your face. Within seconds, you’ll feel a tingling and buzzing sensation as the lotion fizzes up and becomes a foamy covering on your face. Oxygen helps produce the elastin and collagen that is found in healthy skin. Not everybody knows that people breathe through their skin. It may be a small amount, but this small amount can be the difference between older and younger looking skin. Those who experience high levels of stress and use a high volume of make-up keep the skin from absorbing as much oxygen as it should. Without being able to absorb oxygen, the skin will dry and wrinkle. The advice Porcelain gives to its clients is that they should not put on any foundation or make up and I have already eliminated foundation from my routine for many years. The only makeup you see on my face most of the times is usually just eyeliner and false lashes (or lash extensions).

Leave it longer for a few more minutes and the whole thing disappears!!! If you see the photo above, part of the foam on my forehead and left cheek are already starting to disappear while I was taking this pic.

A quick wash of the remaining foam and the skin is soft, smooth and super clean. I slap on some Porcelain Soothe Aloe Vera Recovery Gel that gel soothes and protects your skin from environmental stresses with its pure Aloe Vera Extracts formula. Improving your skin’s overall moisture balance, this also helps repair wounds and increase its natural resilience. It’s great to apply on any sensitive skin or even when you are a little sunburnt!

Last step before I am ready to be Party Perfect without any makeup is the Porcelain Skin Perfecting moisturizer. It is slightly tinted and suits all skin colors but don’t expect any coverage for it as it’s not meant to be a BB cream or a foundation. It really is a moisturizer. But it does have an awesome SPF 20 so you are covered on the UV front.

You only need a little for your whole face. And I’ve completed my facial! Here I am with my clean and hydrated skin. No makeup, no photoshop!

Here’s another shot of me post -facial with my vintage outfit.

Thank you Porcelain, The Face Spa for the DIY home facial tips and the yummy snacks that night! I’m going to be giving the Porcelain products with an additional one or two of my own when I try out doing my DIY home facial next time.





  1. Belinda
    November 8, 2012 / 1:11 pm

    Hi Renzze, your skin looks so dewy and fresh after the facial. Cool!
    Are the products sold off-the-shelf or only at the salon?
    Can you share what is your usual daily skincare routine?


    • November 20, 2012 / 2:40 pm

      Hi Belinda,

      Thank you. You can buy the products at the salon but it is sold separately from their facial services so you don’t necessarily need to do your facial with them. I usually shake up my daily skincare routine with new products as I do a lot of skincare product reviews. But generally I like using a sensitive cleansing gel like porcelain, followed by their natural skin refiner. I will use their aloe vera gel as moisturizer if I’m in Singapore but if I’m overseas where the weather is dry, I’ll used a stronger moisturizer like La Mer. And I always wear sunblock. I try not to put foundations and reserve foundation makeup for very special events and occasions only. But I do draw my eyeliners and wear falsies or have eyelash extensions on a daily basis.

  2. espenine
    November 9, 2012 / 12:09 am

    U have such good skin! *envy*

    May I know if the Porcelain moisturizer with SPF contains any silicones?

    • November 20, 2012 / 2:41 pm

      Hi Espenine,

      Thanks dear. As far as I know, the answer is no. But you could always double check with them before purchasing.

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