Party in a private airport hangar: Esquire Magazine

I’ve been to plenty of airports (both large international ones and private ones), attended plenty of parties but this has got to be the first time I’ve been invited to party the night away in an airport hangar. It’s absolutely brilliant and I got excited about the event even before I was there.

The venue was only the icing of course. The main focus of the excitement is that Esquire Men Magazine has descended into our tiny little red dot! I’ve browsed through Esquire a couple of times years ago when I was frequently traveling to and around the US. I’ve always found their articles to be sharp and intelligent compared to most other men magazines that seemed focused on boobs and other womanly parts as their main features to draw men to buy.

Founded in 1932 and flourishing despite the Great Depression, Esquire Magazine has evolved through the ages but always staying appealing the finer aspirations of men. I know I was in good hands the moment the valet took my car with a big friendly smile.

Given the heritage of the brand and positioning, I felt their “Mad Men” theme party was absolutely perfect. I came in a vintage black and white checkered dress and my plus one for the night, Sushi, wore a gorgeous bright floral vintage dress. Both of which are from Dustbunny Vintage.

Esquire Singapore really knew how to launch with a big bang! Private planes, chauffeured limousines, fast cars (courtesy of Mercedes Benz), alcohol, Jazz music, SKII men skincare, shoe shine services and even a pilot DJ!

It’s hard not to be won over especially if you are a man with impeccable tastes.

For the women invited, there much effort was made to indulge us as well so we wouldn’t be lost in a man’s world!

A handsome host and tons of yummy desserts from Cedele! Of course everyone loves candy. Be it the type you can pop into your mouths or the type that makes your eyes sparkle.  Esquire had both of that covered.

The “cabin crew” at the party were seriously tall! Makes me wish I had worn higher heels! I wished we had such beautiful model stewardesses in all my flights. I love the blue uniform that reminds me of the Pam Am girls that were so iconic in aviation.

We saw the Esquire magazine covers through the ages ending with the unveiling of Esquire Singapore latest cover!

It was just refreshing to see a male on a cover of a men magazine instead of a sexy female. LOL. I don’t think Sushi and I are quite cover material but it was fun to have us pictured in one 🙂

Now I’m gonna bombard you with lots of  “Sushi and I with the plane” shots cause I’ve a soft spot for propeller planes. In fact, piloting one is already on my to-do list in the very near future.

In case you’ve gone totally digital and would prefer to save the trees, one magazine at a time, Esquire recently launched their mobile edition of Esquire Singapore on 31st August 2012. Easily downloaded on your smartphone or mobile tablet, the Esquire Singapore app is the perfect source to entertain, inspire and inform; to give stories that matter to Asian men and to keep them up-to-date with the world around them – all at your fingertips, all on the go.

Find out more at








Outfit of the day

I wore a vintage black and with checkered gown from Dustbunny.

Earrings – YSL

Watch Cartier

Heels – Dior

I chose the most classic accessories to match my vintage mad men theme outfit 🙂




  1. Ben Ben
    September 14, 2012 / 2:24 pm

    Cool party!!!

  2. Ben Ben
    September 14, 2012 / 2:24 pm

    Cool party!!!

  3. Ben Ben
    September 14, 2012 / 2:26 pm

    Super cool party! I love propeller planes too!

    • September 25, 2012 / 12:28 pm

      Hi Ben Ben,

      I love propeller planes too!

  4. Ben Ben
    September 14, 2012 / 2:26 pm

    Super cool party! I love propeller planes too!

    • September 25, 2012 / 12:28 pm

      Hi Ben Ben,

      I love propeller planes too!

  5. jen
    September 17, 2012 / 10:10 pm

    u so lucky ,your husband is a pilot. i wish i could also get free tickets and invitations.cute dress !

    • September 25, 2012 / 12:30 pm

      Hi Jen,

      Actually this party is a totally separate issue from my hubs occupation. He wasn’t even invited. LOL. Anyhow, it was a great party 🙂

  6. jen
    September 17, 2012 / 10:10 pm

    u so lucky ,your husband is a pilot. i wish i could also get free tickets and invitations.cute dress !

    • September 25, 2012 / 12:30 pm

      Hi Jen,

      Actually this party is a totally separate issue from my hubs occupation. He wasn’t even invited. LOL. Anyhow, it was a great party 🙂

  7. September 19, 2012 / 1:36 pm

    Lovely dress Karen!!

    • September 25, 2012 / 12:30 pm

      Hi Elrica,

      Thanks babe! I’m so in love with vintage dresses!

  8. September 19, 2012 / 1:36 pm

    Lovely dress Karen!!

    • September 25, 2012 / 12:30 pm

      Hi Elrica,

      Thanks babe! I’m so in love with vintage dresses!

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