Party at MASKA

A girlfriend was having a party at MASKA with promises of champagne and a masquerade theme. So as busy as my schedule is, I went down to join the fun.

I had been meaning to do the post after I gotten the photos of the party from Koji but as it turns out she’s even busier then me with a little bundle of joy on the way! So here are the few photos that I took on my camera.

I love the masks! How venetian!

Here’s the dress I wore without the necklace or belt. I’m still considering if I should sell this off. I love the color and material and it’s so easy to accessorize but then again anyone that knows me would know that I’ve got way more clothes that my tiny little body can carry so it might be time to let this go to make space for new choices.

If you are keen on the dress, drop me an email or comment and I’ll get back to you. Quote me a price if you like.


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