Paris, I'm on my way

As you can tell, I’m going to start my posts of my France trip. Arriving in Paris in the morning, I was determined to navigate the trains to my hotel in the city instead of spending an obscene amount of euros on a cab ride. It’s a complete irony how I can be so unwilling to pay for an expensive transport yet not think twice about splurging my hard earned cash on a birkin. But I do honestly believe in navigating the public transport in cities whenever I travel. I bought the zone pass for the trains and I was on my way.

Eeyore was there with me all the way! And he had a great trip on the A380 suite class too!

I made safe and sound to the hotel and was greeted with a lovely fruits basket. A bath, change of clothes and I was ready to go to the nearby cafe for a good old lazy brunch! Eating and drinking is absolutely one of my favorite pass times in France.


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