OSIM uShape helps to give you a guilt-free CNY

I attended an event with fellow bloggers to learn about OSIM uShape recently and learnt a whole lot of astonishing facts! The event was held at the lovely rooftop of OSIM headquarters.

Chinese New Year is one of those periods in the year where we feast everyday at gatherings with friends and family. And if that wasn’t bad enough, we’ll still gorge ourselves with Chinese New Year goodies when we get home. In fact, I’m already starting to munch on Chinese New Year goodies and finished a whole tub of Arrowhead chips in 20 mins. Once the festive period comes to a close, everyone will naturally start to feel the effects of the weight gain.

This year, OSIM introduces OSIM uShape, a full-body vibration exerciser that helps to burn off calories efficiently.

This slender and portable exerciser is designed to achieve a full body workout with little time and effort, making it the perfect tool for trimming fats accumulated from the festive binge. Tasty goodies like pineapple tart, love letters and bak kwa (barbequed sweet meat) are rich in calories and lead to fat accumulation and weight gain. One of my favourite dishes is Yu Sheng, yet one serving (387g) equates to 2 and a half bowls of rice and needs about 2.5 hours of jogging to work it off.

To work off approximately 5 pineapple tarts (410g), you’ll need to play tennis for an hour. But with the uShape, with every 6.5 mins of usage, you’ll work off one pineapple tart! All in the comfort of your own home.

Festive binging and deskbound lifestyles result in poor circulation from inactive muscles. Piling on the weight and fats often lead to health issues. Movement and exercise are key to strengthening those muscles, and improving circulation and flexibility.

For those who dislike high impact exercises like running or jogging, trimming the excess weight is simplified with the OSIM uShape. The compact, all-in-one, exercise machine burns calories with minimal effort simply by using the uShape. Here’s what you can burn off from your festive binge:

OSIM uShape is particularly great for busy individuals who constantly find that they have no time to hit the gym or join an exercise group. You don’t even need to buy any gym wear since you’ll be using this at home.

Choose from a total of 9 convenient full-body workouts (3 auto programmes x 3 standing positions) and 10 levels of oscillation intensities according to your needs. The 3 auto programmes are specially designed to tone and shape your body in progressive levels i.e. beginners, intermediate, advanced. By adopting various exercise postures that target specific muscle groups, you can now effectively tone and shape ‘troubled’ flabby spots like arms, tummy, butt and thighs the quick and easy way on the OSIM uShape

I’ve tried the uShape that day and I’ve learnt that I can simply shift  my feet to increase the intensity of each auto programme by adopting the 3 different standing positions to improve circulation, firm and strengthen my body. The 3 different standing positions are clearly marked on the uShape machine and I can control the intensity easily with the wireless remote control. If you want a more challenging workout, you can even intensify your workout routine with the resistance cord system that allows for versatile strength and body conditioning.

The strong whole-body vibration motion of the uShape causes rapid muscle contractions, making the muscles work continuously as the body strives to keep its balance. These contractions help to strengthen muscles, increase metabolism to burn more calories and break down fat more effectively, resulting in a more defined body shape. Check out OSIM’s latest uShape workout video and see how easy it is to get into shape! http://youtu.be/_2Ba-3PeYH0

 As your metabolism increases, you will burn fat faster, even when you are not working out.

If you want to give uShape a shot, True Fitness instructors will be demonstrating uShape workouts at various venues around Singapore. With their expert guidance, you can learn the best moves to do on the uShape for maximum effect. For the latest update of demo schedule, check out www.OSIM.com

Since eating healthy and exercising must go hand in hand, we were also introduced to Xndo’s range of low calorie, easy to prepare food and beverages!

Xndo has a full range of low calorie food from full meals to coffee and even chocolate cupcakes!

I was surprised that a lot of the the ready meals from Xndo were quite tasty and are healthy substitutes for some of our favourite foods like chicken rice or laksa.

My personal faves were the noodle dishes. Other than being super tasty,these noodles are made from konnyaku root and have 0% fat. Additionally, they are a good source of fibre, providing 6 times more fibre than ordinary noodles. The noodles tasted a lot like a softer type of glass noodles (tang hoon) to me.

If you are keen to find out more about how Xndo can help you to eat well, just walk into any of their outlets and get a free body composition analysis. I did mine that day and I’m happy to learn that despite being 32, my body age is only 20 years old. I have a high metabolism rate but still overeat my daily calorie needs so I either need to exercise more or eat less.

Thank you OSIM for sharing more about health, exercise and diet with me before the festive period begins. The OSIM uShape retails at a special introductory price of $699 (usual price $1,288). It is available at all OSIM outlets, road shows and online at www.OSIM.com . To complement the calories busting regime, OSIM is giving away a Xndo Half Calories Meal, Black Pepper Fish and Milk Tea, worth $21.90 with every purchase of uShape


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