Old Shorts, Same Me

I’m popping by to do a small update! I’ve had my hands full since I got back so I’ve kinda neglected my blog. Wedding fever (since it’s the lunar 8th month) is back with new friends getting attached and wedding invites from both relatives and ex-classmates. I’ve also been working harder these days to make up for my absences but am looking forward to my next trip!

Just gonna share with you some of my casual outfits recently.

A simple denim jumper is great for grocery shopping =)

This denim hot pants was found while I was trying to clear some space in my wardrobe… I actually intended to throw it away but tried it on to find that it still fits me perfectly even though I’ve had them since I was 14!!! Gosh! I really haven’t grown in over a decade! I guess it goes to explain why I am such a terrible hoarder… I find it hard to throw old stuff away cause I still can fit into them.

PS – Fries… I keep forgetting to get back to you but I’ve been so busy this month can we KIV our meet up till after Lerelyn’s exams are over?



  1. mindy
    September 8, 2008 / 10:55 am

    i love your black sandals! where is it from? 😉

  2. September 8, 2008 / 11:42 am

    Hey Karen…. I luv ur LV bag & pink polka dot tube top! Very sweet looking. =) So envy u… can still fit into ur old clothes. Hee!

  3. leonard
    September 10, 2008 / 7:21 am

    do u work in ********? i think i saw u there some time ago, im not sure if thats you cos u looked much shorter in person.

  4. September 14, 2008 / 1:34 am


    sandals are from ASOS if i remember correctly… cause I’ve had this pair for ages already.


    Thanks… I can fit in old clothes so it’s really hard to decide what clothes to keep… so thats bad too.


    I censored the location cause I don’t want any speculations… lol… but I work in the city so that’s probably not me.

  5. leonard
    September 15, 2008 / 10:29 am

    oh ok , must be wrong person then! out of curiousity,how tall are u ?

  6. leonard
    September 15, 2008 / 2:18 pm

    i thot you looked abt 1.6+ in the pics

  7. September 16, 2008 / 11:13 am


    lol… pics can be deceiving! It’ll be nice to be 1.6+ too but I’m just glad that for a short gal I’m quite proportional.

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