N.E.mation! 9 is happening right now

I’ve been a part of the N.E.mation! competition for a few years now and it still gives me a nice tingling thrill whenever I meet my teams. This year, my teams are Chunky Monkey from SCGS and Higher than you from Cedar Girls. Being picked to be the top 10 teams in this challenging competition goes to show how talented the girls are. But more importantly, I learnt that its the dedication and team spirit that pulls them through to the very end.

Despite being an N.E.mation! ambassador for the previous rounds, each new season still shows me new experiences and I learn a lot from interaction with my teams. I’ll share with you the 5 lessons I took away from each of my team from my last visit.

5 Lessons Learnt from Chunky Monkeys

1. It’s okay to take turns to go for breaks or holidays because we work as a team and will help cover each others’ slack. (Just remember to bring souvenirs back!)

2. Gift hampers does a lot to cheer a team up when they are rushing to finish their animations before their deadline.

3. Good things need to be shared, so they always share whatever gifts that have been bestowed upon them.

4. It’s okay to start doodling anime characters that have nothing to do with your project because it helps spark your creativity and keeps you going.

5. Things may not always go as planned and poems may not always keep on rhyming but these girls don’t give up.

5 Lessons Learnt from Higher Than You

1. Make your place of work into a familiar habitat to increase productivity and fun. (Case in point, their inflatable pool.)

2. Make merry neighbours (by decorating their tent) because despite it being a competition, we are all in this together.

3. Believe in yourself even if Google says otherwise. (They chose to go with the Chinese translation of 高过你 instead of Google’s 比你高 )

4. It’s okay to make a fool of  yourself and just laugh it off.

5. Go with the flow and take changes in stride.

Much love and thanks to these girls who spent their precious time to show me the side of things that goes on behind the stressful production period of an animation. I wish them all the best of luck and can’t wait to see them again to see their progress.

Please support these girls and their efforts by  giving your ‘like’ to Chunky Monkeys #NE9C04 and  Higher Than You #NE9C06 on the Top 10 N.E.mation Team Facebook Page.

Thank you for reading.



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