N.E.mation! 8 – It's your turn to win a trip to USA!

If you’ve been following my blog for some time now, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of N.E.mation! which is a digital animation competition organised by Nexus for youths to express their thoughts on Total Defence. Into its eighth season this year, the competition has proven highly successful, with more than 9,900 students participating since its inception in 2007. With training and guidance, students with no prior experience in animation have been able to produce clips of broadcast quality to screen on free-to-air television. Some of these clips were even selected for international animation festivals and won several awards.

I’ve followed the teams from N.E.mation 7! last year as I admired their creativity, talents and hard work. As a reward, the winning team got a trip to the USA!

Now, N.E.mation! 8 has begun and this year’s theme is ” Because you played a part.”

“30 years of security and stability as a nation was built upon everyone’s efforts. We stood with each other through the good times and bad, overcoming challenges and celebrating our successes. We are able to enjoy what we have in Singapore today because each of us has played a part, in building this nation, our home.”

The animation clips produced by the top 10 finalist teams will be judged by a panel comprising of industry professionals such as Melvin Tan (Senior Animator, Blue Sky Studios). In addition, the public can vote for their three favourite clips come January 2014 at www.nemation.sg, Facebook or via SMS. The winning team will win a coveted trip to visit a renowned animation studio in the USA! Interested yet?

Registration is now open and all it takes is 3 simple steps to start your journey that may win you and your team a trip to USA:

Below are the 3 simple steps you need to do to win the trip:

1. Form a team of 3 to 4 students from your school.
2. Register online at http://nemation.sg/

3. Submit your story ideas on the theme (Because You Played A Part) by 21st August 2013, 1PM.

Starting the creative process can be hard an intimidating. If you are drawing a blank, no worries, we have Nexus have resources to help you get your creative juice flowing and craft a winning story. You may view the Free online Story Workshop at http://nemation.sg/story and receive coaching on your story ideas when they visit you in school. Alternatively, you can get inspired when you attend their Public Story Clinic session!

I’ve attended similar workshops and had so much fun! The one I went for last year taught me a lot about sand animation.

The techniques I learnt are pretty basic but I had so much fun. I wish they had N.E.mation! when I was still in school because I’ll be sure to join.

N.E.mation! helps inspire students to push through their own creative barriers using various mediums to convey their message. I’ve seen the work of the finalists every year and I am always amazed at how exceptional the quality of the animation are especially when you know that some of the contestants are as young as 13 years old.

But more importantly, N.E.mation! is very fun. So even someone that is not talented or very creative like me was able to come up with my own live sand art demonstration within one short session with Nexus.

For all students, don’t hesitate and remember that the deadline for story submission ends at 1 pm on 21 August 2013.

For those who love N.E.mation! but are not eligible to participate in N.E.mation! 8 (like me), you can join the Share Your Story contest on Facebook that is opened for all ages to participate (for Singaporeans & Permanent Residents).

Simply submit a story online on N.E.mation!8 contest page to tell us how you have played a part for Singapore and stand to win either a $50 shopping voucher or a pair of movie tickets!

There are 2 rounds for this contest:

  • Round 1- 5 to 11 Aug 2013
  •  Round 2 – 12 to 18 Aug 2013

You will stand to win 1 x S$50 Shopping Voucher (Judges Choice) or  8 x a pair of movie tickets (Random Draw) in each round.

For any additional information, please visit N.E.mation! 8 website.


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