My Shanghai Apartment

Some of you guys were asking about my shanghai apartment so here are the pics. Nothing fancy but a comfortable little rented service apartment in Pudong… walking distance from Nanjing Road which is their main shopping street.

There are lots of little local joints littered around my area so I just try a new one each morning when I leave my place. Morning breakfast is usually congee or noodles for me.

Portions are huge!

Here’s a video for you guys to enjoy.



    • svenenglund
      September 4, 2010 / 4:21 am

      @Renzze Seems very nice! I just moved to Pudong to, close to Century Park, at Baiyang Rd.

      • September 4, 2010 / 11:30 am

        @svenenglund sounds like you found yourself a nice Cosy spot for yourself as well.

        • svenenglund
          September 4, 2010 / 11:54 am

          @Renzze Yes, the apartment I live in here is almost 3 times bigger than the one I used to live in in Sweden. 13th floor. I don’t complain.=)

    • svenenglund
      September 4, 2010 / 4:21 am

      @Renzze Seems very nice! I just moved to Pudong to, close to Century Park, at Baiyang Rd.

      • September 4, 2010 / 11:30 am

        @svenenglund sounds like you found yourself a nice Cosy spot for yourself as well.

        • svenenglund
          September 4, 2010 / 11:54 am

          @Renzze Yes, the apartment I live in here is almost 3 times bigger than the one I used to live in in Sweden. 13th floor. I don’t complain.=)

  1. jac
    September 5, 2010 / 2:19 am

    Is it expensive to rent the apartment? I’ve dropped u a msg via facebook. 🙂

    • September 5, 2010 / 10:18 am


      It’s not too expensive I suppose but it only works well from long stays… at least a few weeks. I haven’t had time to reply to my FB messages yet but I’ll go take a look later on 🙂

  2. jac
    September 5, 2010 / 2:19 am

    Is it expensive to rent the apartment? I’ve dropped u a msg via facebook. 🙂

    • September 5, 2010 / 10:18 am


      It’s not too expensive I suppose but it only works well from long stays… at least a few weeks. I haven’t had time to reply to my FB messages yet but I’ll go take a look later on 🙂

  3. kt
    September 7, 2010 / 2:06 am

    think you mean that the svc apt is in puxi, since that’s where nanjinglu is, not pudong, no?

    • September 8, 2010 / 12:58 am


      Yes you are right! It’s Puxi and not Pudong… gosh! I got them all mixed up! Thanks for noting!

  4. kt
    September 7, 2010 / 2:06 am

    think you mean that the svc apt is in puxi, since that’s where nanjinglu is, not pudong, no?

    • September 8, 2010 / 12:58 am


      Yes you are right! It’s Puxi and not Pudong… gosh! I got them all mixed up! Thanks for noting!

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