My lil' sis is not that lil' anymore…

I celebrated my sister’s birthday on the 5th Sept 2006. (yes i noe it’s been a mth already…) It was lotsa fun that involved a lot of eating… We went to Tao’s for a 6 course lunch and then to swensens.

Time passes so fast… my sis is 18 already. And we got her a bottle of red wine to call her very own. I can hardly even remember my 18th birthday… probably because i was mugging for my A levels then… I do hope my sis had a great time and more to come. Crazy us took soooooooo many pictures that day. I’m not gonna put them all up cuz some asked to not let their pics go public… so just a few of the 3 girls… janice n audrey… if u guys wan the rest then come get it from me ya?


Sep 6, 2006 – 21 Photos

PS~ Click the pic to see more pictures!



  1. September 28, 2006 / 5:29 pm

    Hello..Came to see your blog,Wow u have up-date your blog..!! Nice photo of us ya? Hehez..!
    Anyway Thanks for the Wonderfull day u gave me. I love u & stay in touch more ya..!

  2. September 28, 2006 / 6:28 pm

    dear girl… did u click the pic to see the rest of the pictures?
    Anyways… i’ve emailed you the link for all the pictures.

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