My Favourite Game

Its weird how everything comes in seasons. There are days where you get tired of lazing at home with nothing nice on TV to watch and no one you knows feels like going out. And there are seasons like where you get SMSes… emails and calls every other day with friends and family having a gathering or other and you feel bad to have to pick and choose.

Noting my lack of posts you can guess that I’m in the “hot” season now and it’s pretty tiring but a insanely fun! To all my friends out there whose invitations I declined in the last 2 weeks… I still love you guys and will arrange a meet up soon but I’d like to give my family and close buds some priority in this x’mas season.

Last week… one of my best pals and her beau came over my place for a chit-chat session which ended in a game of Taboo. I absolutely adore this game and when I learnt that neither of them had even heard of it I just had to make them converts!

The aim of the game is to let your team guess the word without using the word itself or any of the 4 most commonly associated words (taboo words!) to describe it! Give it a go if you’ve never tried it or give me a ring and come over to play!


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