My early birthday dinner

As usual, I didn’t celebrate my actual birthday here in Singapore. In fact, I had a nice birthday overseas in the company of my dearest family. But I did have many little birthday dinners before and after my actual birthday with my closest and loveliest friends.

For one of my early birthday dinners, Sushi and Melva took me to One-twenty Six for dinner! Service wasn’t up to scratch but the company of these  two gorgeous girls totally made up for it! I’m really thankful I have such wonderful friends like them.

It was my first time visiting One-twenty-six at ECP. I’ve gone pass the place countless times but never gone in. The food was actually quite good and I really like my cod and the apple dessert! Sushi’ s fish pie was really good too! Many thanks to the girls for the treat!

Friendship is a strange thing. You find them in the most unexpected of places and yet once you get hold of a good friendship, you’ll never want to let go. And it’s dinners and meet-up specially arranged despite our busy schedules that renews that bond. Of course, having friends like Sushi who is so cheerful and spontaneous even though she’s preggy and almost due; and Melva who is intelligent, humorous and outgoing, makes it all the more fun!


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