More foodie posts as we took SH around!

At the title states, wherever there’s SH there’s good food! LOL! So we continued showing him what other yummy food Singapore has to offer including Fried Hokkien Prawn Noodles and Sissors Cut Sissors Rice.

Gosh… I really should remember not to blog when I’m feeling hungry! It just makes me want to stop write and go to the kitchen to whip up something to munch on. I know it’s so random but that is exactly what I’m gonna do so excuse me while I shorten this post with a few snap shots of the outfit I wore that day and go cook pancakes from the mix Sushi bought for me from Australia. Promise to blog more soon!



    • April 21, 2010 / 12:06 am


      You’ve got mail!

    • April 21, 2010 / 12:06 am


      You’ve got mail!

  1. April 25, 2010 / 2:07 pm

    hi renzze, where u got your hokkein prawn mee. i am craving for it

    • April 26, 2010 / 5:34 am


      I think this was at KIM’s joo chiat.

  2. April 25, 2010 / 2:07 pm

    hi renzze, where u got your hokkein prawn mee. i am craving for it

    • April 26, 2010 / 5:34 am


      I think this was at KIM’s joo chiat.

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