MooJaa – Singapore's No. 1 Mookata

I first tried Mookata or what I’ve come to call it, Thai UFO steamboat in 2011 when my girlfriend arranged dinner at Golden Mile Complex. While I loved the concept, I didn’t like the rowdy atmosphere at Golden Mile and haven’t gone back since. Thus, it was with much excitement that I was able to try mookata in a much better ambience at MooJaa.

Recently, in the last 2 years, Mookata has been gaining popularity and one of the places friends kept telling me to try was MooJaa at Keong Saik Road. I invited some girls along with me for the food tasting as I believe anything BBQ or steamboat needs a crowd for it to taste even better.

We started of with some drinks and I tried both the ice lemongrass tea as well as the Thai ice tea. Both were good but I’ll recommend the Thai ice tea because of its authentic rich flavor.

For a mookata to be good, it must be cooked with charcoal!

Throngs of food selection can be found at MooJaa and other than just mookata, they also serve individual Thai dishes so there are lots of choices for everyone.

Here’s our mookata. The dome part of the UFO is where you are able to grill your meats. Pork lard is used to grease the area and that helps to make the grilled meats even tastier than usual. The indent around the bottom of the dome is where you cook your steamboat and there is kettle for you to add stock anytime you feel that the soup is running low. I think it’s brillant how the thai managed to think of this design that could give you the best of both grilled and soup dishes.

The food is slowly cooked over the charcoal and everyone had fun trying their hand to grill the perfect meat even though the waitress offered to help us. I love the pork belly slices best!

Other than the mokata, we also ordered their Thai fried omelete and basil minced chicken. Both dishes were pretty delicious and we would have loved to try their green curry chicken as well if we only had extra spaces in our stomach. We had so much fun eating and cooking. Mookata at MooJaa is a great venue for socializing and nothing brings people together like good food and drinks.

If you want to check them out, you can head over to their Facebook ( or Instagram (#moojaa, #moojaa_mookata) them.

Here’s one last group short with all our happy and satisfied faces.


25 Keong Saik Road,

Singapore 089132

Tel: 6536 4780






Outfit of the day

I transited my outfit from day to night with a little change of accessories.

Day wear –

Earrings: Chanel

Hair clip : Korea

Cardi: Korea

Dress: Hong Kong

Bracelet: Hermes

Bag: Celine

Shoes: Tory Burch

After running around doing errands for a whole day, I figured the weather was just too hot for my original outfit so I did some modifications.

I tied my hair up into a bun, removed my cardi and changed my bag.

Bag: Honey Mi Honey X ViVi bag

I actually much prefer my 2nd casual look better (maybe because it was better suited for the hot weather). Which look do you prefer?



  1. May 19, 2013 / 6:52 pm

    Loved the black and white combi of your first outfit. Love the Celine too!

    Maxis are very versatile and your second look is more casual but still stylish.

    • May 21, 2013 / 6:47 pm

      Hi Rachie,

      Thanks for your comment! I agree that maxis are very versatile especially those in basic colors 🙂

  2. May 19, 2013 / 6:52 pm

    Loved the black and white combi of your first outfit. Love the Celine too!

    Maxis are very versatile and your second look is more casual but still stylish.

    • May 21, 2013 / 6:47 pm

      Hi Rachie,

      Thanks for your comment! I agree that maxis are very versatile especially those in basic colors 🙂

  3. Louisa
    May 20, 2013 / 6:09 pm

    I love both looks! You rock them both!

    • May 21, 2013 / 6:47 pm

      Hi Louisa,

      Thank you.

  4. Louisa
    May 20, 2013 / 6:09 pm

    I love both looks! You rock them both!

    • May 21, 2013 / 6:47 pm

      Hi Louisa,

      Thank you.

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