Missing Clara

Some of you might know that my good friend, Clara, is studying fashion design in Melbourne and she’s been there for more than half a year already. I miss her so and though I try to visit when I can, it’s always harder to catch up when there are miles between us. I am really glad that life is being really sweet to her now.

Anyways, I was thinking of her and realized that I never got round to posting up this nail fashion shoot we did before she left. I haven’t had my nails done up properly since she left and I’m sure her customers misses her skills and bubbly nature too! So enjoy the video I did for her if you want to see what went down during the nail shoot.



video youtube link is  at : http://youtu.be/m67FpFMQ4UI


After the fashion nail shoot I was famished and left early for some Ba Kut Teh dinner before meeting my sister for a late tau huay supper at Rocher Beancurd. It was the first time I had pearls in my beancurd!


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