Mid Year Resolutions

Time waits for no man (or woman) especially when we hit our 20s. One moment your friends are giggling about that cute boy in the next school with that oh-so-adorable dimple and before you realize it… your giggling topics are now marriage…HDBs… babies and your next promotion.

And so I’m gonna make some resolutions to finish off 2007 nicely. I only have half a year unlike most of my counterparts who did their new year resolutions way before 2007 started. But better late then never right?

First things first. I NEED to organize my life and time more efficiently. I’ve only one shot at each day and sometimes I feel I waste so much time doing unimportant stuff that I miss out on the important ones. Thus No. 1 on the list is to work out a new schedule.

No. 2 would be to include some sort of a consistent exercise schedule in my new plan. I’ve got weights and a trampoline at home I’m guilty of abandoning. And though I do walk my dogs (or maybe its my dogs walking me), that barely counts since I’m bound to stop at the bubble tea store and grab snacks along the way.

No. 3 I must do housework at least an hour a day. I’m such a procrastinator so I let everything pile. When I have to do chores it becomes a half day affair and it’s so tiring! Thus, if I can break it up into an hour a day… maybe I won’t hate housework that much since it won’t be that tiring.

No. 4 I should spend some time volunteering. It is a joy to help others and would remind me of the simple things in life I can be thankful for.

No. 5 I must take care of my skin. I’m so lazy the last couple of months that I don’t do anything much beyond cleansing. Even though I have tons of beauty products at home. Now my skin is protesting through pimples and roughness. I don’t apply sunblock even though I bring my furkids out and stay in the sun all the time! That’s gonna change!

No. 6 I would like to blog more often. Friends and family are always asking me “what happened to you? No news?” Lol… plenty of news… just lazy to tell. I’m honored that all of you come in ever so often to check on my site for new updates but I also feel guilty cause there isn’t. Do subscribe to my mailing list or RSS my site so that you would be the first to know if there are any new posts. Because I love you all… updating my blog often is No.6 on my mid year resolutions.

No.7 Dancing lessons. I been wanting to learn social or ballroom dancing since I was in my teens. But something always crops up. Be it lack of time… lack of partner or too shy to go alone. I should do what I’ve been wanting to learn before my bones get too stiff.

No. 8 Yes I know! I need to finish up my driving lessons. Hopefully it’ll be soon. Someone I know is going for bike lessons so it’ll be an additional push to go to the ulu swami driving center to finish up and get my car license.

No. 9 I need to be frugal. With 2 furkids to think off and a future to plan. I have to curb my spending! Easier said than done (which explains why it’s so low on the list) but I need to start somewhere.

No.10 This one is the hardest! Re-organize my wardrobe and the guest room. Almost mission impossible but I’ll try!

Okay! Those 10 resolutions are enough to kill me till year end. Give me moral support that I may accomplish them all yah?



  1. July 4, 2007 / 9:00 pm

    dear sweetie , u do inspire me to set my midyear resolution too. kanna stress too.. alright start to plan now. hopefully not more than 10.

  2. July 4, 2007 / 9:00 pm

    dear sweetie , u do inspire me to set my midyear resolution too. kanna stress too.. alright start to plan now. hopefully not more than 10.

  3. July 4, 2007 / 9:58 pm

    lol… then we shall encourage each other to do the best of our ability.

  4. July 4, 2007 / 9:58 pm

    lol… then we shall encourage each other to do the best of our ability.

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