MIA? Not quite.

I received some emails asking when my next clothes sales would be and why my updates has been slower then usual or why I have become less active in les dames or cosycot.

I haven’t totally MIA-ed just a little sluggish. Been throwing too many house parties during the festive season and I’m on the recovery process. I should be up and running as usual in a week or so.

First thing to get in order would be a visit to the salon. I’m gonna get my tresses cropped! But I’m still tortured between going back to the perm (cause everyone seems to love me with curls) or to leave it straight considering I had curls for nearly 4 months. The other question is where to go… who to trust? Early in January, Silver was so nice to give me 2 KR salon vouchers. I couldn’t make the dateline for the validity of the voucher so I gave them to Mel. She did the normal layered trim for her shoulder length hair and her review of the place was ok only. She had no problems with them but felt that is she didn’t have those vouchers, the skills and namesake wasn’t good enough to warrant such steep prices. I’m sooooo tempted to take a flight back to Tokyo for just a short 3 days trip and get my hair done again by Hideyuk Kitazawa. ( If you are keen you can read my previous haircut and perm post ) But one of my New Year resolutions is to be less frivolous and March is just too early in the year to break resolutions.

As for those clothes sales requests, I’ll probably set one up again sometime end of this week so keep you eyes peeled =)


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