Meteor Showers

I’m back in Singapore again!  And once I’m home it’s time to be a busy bee!

My dearest girlie, Sushi, will be back in a day or two as well so I can imagine that there’ll be lots of catching up to do and I can’t wait!

Here are photos we took last year when we went star gazing during the meteor showers last year. Kelvin and Bernice were the organizers and we almost didn’t get to go watch due to the rainy weather that day. Luckily the rain cleared at about 3am and we gathered to meet at about 3.30am or 4am. So I pulled out of bed…threw on a cardi and my rain boots and was ready to go.

I had brought along my camera hoping to video or capture shooting stars but as it turns out, it wasn’t as easy as I imagined. Louis and Emmie came along to star gaze as well and it was fun to lie in the dark and chit-chat while staring into the endless skies and watching the stars twinkle.

No photos of the meteors though we managed to see about 30+ streaks of falling meteors that night as well as a couple of landing planes.

We had our lovely McDonald breakfast at 7am before heading home to sleep. Pancakes and hash browns are sumptuous morning food!

Thanks Kelvin and Bernice for organizing!



  1. April 1, 2010 / 8:49 am

    Where did you watch the Meteor Shower? I was at East Coast. Pretty good view. 🙂

    • April 3, 2010 / 3:54 am


      Yup! We were at a remote area of ECP.

  2. April 1, 2010 / 8:49 am

    Where did you watch the Meteor Shower? I was at East Coast. Pretty good view. 🙂

    • April 3, 2010 / 3:54 am


      Yup! We were at a remote area of ECP.

  3. April 1, 2010 / 5:50 pm

    With rain boots like yours, I will be a happy instead of a grouchy bunny when it rains. Hoppity hop, splash splash.
    Where did you get those??? (i am going crazy thinking abt em wellingtons) Anyone told you your outfit posts induce shopaholicism?
    Your blog should be banned by Shopaholic Anonymous!!! Teehee.

    • April 3, 2010 / 3:55 am

      Ivy, Lol… hoppity hop reminds me of paddinton bear splashing rain puddles as he walks. I’ve gotten a few emails about the boots as well so I’ll be doing a short post with photos and answers.

  4. April 1, 2010 / 5:50 pm

    With rain boots like yours, I will be a happy instead of a grouchy bunny when it rains. Hoppity hop, splash splash.
    Where did you get those??? (i am going crazy thinking abt em wellingtons) Anyone told you your outfit posts induce shopaholicism?
    Your blog should be banned by Shopaholic Anonymous!!! Teehee.

    • April 3, 2010 / 3:55 am

      Ivy, Lol… hoppity hop reminds me of paddinton bear splashing rain puddles as he walks. I’ve gotten a few emails about the boots as well so I’ll be doing a short post with photos and answers.

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