Meetup with Wendy


Met sweetest gal Wendy some time back at Bakerzin to discuss her wedding dresses over yummy chocolate souffle. I still owe her a treat!

I’ve been getting quite a no. of emails regarding Hong Kong. I guess that destination is really getting popular with a lot of people these days. I haven’t had time to reply everyone especially those that asked for more pictures and details but I’ll do up a Hong Kong post soon with some major questions answered as well as videos from my previous Hong Kong trips that I’ve never posted up on my blog before.




  1. Wendy
    March 16, 2009 / 4:02 pm

    Thanks so much for your help babe! Hope to catch up with you soon 🙂

  2. Wendy
    March 16, 2009 / 4:02 pm

    Thanks so much for your help babe! Hope to catch up with you soon 🙂

  3. March 16, 2009 / 10:20 pm


    No worries babe. I had a great time too!

  4. March 16, 2009 / 10:20 pm


    No worries babe. I had a great time too!

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