Meetup with Melvin & Yan

After visiting little Arielle, I hurried to have a quick dinner nearby at Balestier food center. Ben came over and joined us!

Food was so- so… not fantastic but not bad either. I was craving for fish soup that night so I still ended up pretty satisfied.

After dinner and chit-chat with Ben, I headed down town to meet Yan and Melvin for supper!

This was sometime ago before all the Christmas lights went up!

Both of our schedules were rather unfriendly so it ended up being late night supper!

Since most of the restaurants have already been closed for the day, we ended up at TCC.

Had some drinks and dessert… I chose to have chocolate fondue.

We talked and talked till the cows came home and I’m excited for them ( can’t reveal what!)!

By the time we were done, the streets were pretty empty… at least by Orchard Road standards.

They are the sweetest couple ever!

I’m gonna end my post with my usual outfit shots.

PS- The content of this post has been edited on 04/01/10 to give my friends more privacy. I was too lazy to re-write the post so I just deleted a lot of what I typed… making this entry rather sparse with words… lol


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