MASKA video shoot

Some time back, I helped a pal, Koji, to do some video shoot of her pub and the bands playing there.


It was a day of great music from these talented performers!

After the shooting was over, it was time to relax and have some fun ourselves!

We all wanted to try our hands on the drums! Chairman (Koji’s dad), got pretty good at it too!

Aaron showed me the basic drum beats so I could try my luck at drumming.

My hand and leg coordination sucks! I managed to do some basic drum beats and sequences after some practice but once new elements were introduced to me, I got confused!

Anyhow, it was really fun! If drum sets weren’t that space consuming and costly, I might actually consider getting one just to practice! For now, all I have is Rockband.

Here’s my outfit.

Oh, and since this post is about MASKA, thought I’ll share this with you. MASKA is having their official opening party this Sunday, 4th October 2009! I’ll definitely pop by (though I should be pretty late) to give my support to Koji. If you’re interested in checking the place and their great music out, here’s the address!


50 Armenian Street, #01-02 Wilmer Place,  Singapore 179938.

(opp the Peranakan Museum and Substation)

Tel : 63344484



  1. September 29, 2009 / 11:15 am

    not too sure if the colour of the dress goes with the rocker vibe of your boots, but individually, those are some terrific awesome boots! and that’s a great chunky necklace as well.

    • September 29, 2009 / 3:46 pm


      lol… was hoping the chunky necklace would help even out the rocker vibes provided by the boots. Aiming for sweet rocker!

  2. September 29, 2009 / 11:15 am

    not too sure if the colour of the dress goes with the rocker vibe of your boots, but individually, those are some terrific awesome boots! and that’s a great chunky necklace as well.

    • September 29, 2009 / 3:46 pm


      lol… was hoping the chunky necklace would help even out the rocker vibes provided by the boots. Aiming for sweet rocker!

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