Majestic Trees

One of the things I love about the cold weather is that you never feel sweaty when out for a run! And the cool temperatures also helps to revitalize one’s spirits. Unlike jogging in Singapore (which I almost never do) the heat just drains up all your energy!

The only thing that is missing is my dogs! I’m sure they would love the weather in Florida and would have been so happy to run with me! Not having my dogs around has given me time to focus on the beauty around me. And I’ve always loved taking photos of trees. I love nature… be it trees or clouds or flowers and have snapped numerous pictures… Just to share some of the pictures I took of trees on this jog.

I had only a small window of light for these pictures and then it was too dark to take anymore … Hope you enjoyed them though…



  1. March 12, 2008 / 12:58 pm

    Wow… the first picture really blew me away!

  2. March 12, 2008 / 12:58 pm

    Wow… the first picture really blew me away!

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