Headed down to MAAD at the Red Dot Museum one weekend.  MAAD stands for Market of Artists And Designers and it’s a pretty chill out sort of setting where local artists get to show off their works and do lots of chit-chat in a indoor flea market environment.

I brought my 2 little fur balls and Rudy brought his little grumpy puppy cause MAAD is pet friendly! Louis and Emmie sure loved meeting other dogs there and also the attention from the shop owners.

I was supposed to have met Gio and Clara for sumptuous thai lunch that day but I overslept (paiseh!) so I headed straight down to Pacific Coffee at the Red Dot Museum for some desserts and drinks.

Emmie had her share of cool drinks too!

We were waiting for the famous MAAD dog portrait artist to finish his work on the dogs! If you want a good hand drawn memento, you can head down to MAAD which happens every first weekend of the month!

Here’s the talented artist Edwin Yeo!

He did such a fantastic job on the drawings of Louis and Emmie. And also thanks to the pretty and bubbly Candy for assisting. Louis love playing with your dogs!

Here’s the black and white drawing of my Louis.

And the watercolor drawing of Emmie!

I bid my farewells to Rudy’s cute little pooch before heading down to meet Clara at her shop.

I was holding the dogs for most part of the event at MAAD so didn’t snap much photos of the place. However, here’s the video of our little outing there!

Next was to pick dear Ms Clara Hwang for dinner and to make up for my absence at lunch.

Clara’s gonna move soon to a more accessible area. So these would probably be the last photos I take of her pretty place.

Louis loves exploring the shop but can’t stand the smell of the nail polishes! hehe.

We ended up at Ju Shin Jung for Korean food since Clara missed the last dinner there and wanted to give it a go. It was a really last minute decision so the other girls couldn’t make it down to join us. Especially Sushi and Koji who’s been wanting to try it!

We also ordered  black chicken ginseng soup! Good for blood circulation! LOL…

We loved the heart shaped watermelon! Girls are just too easy to please.

Lastly, an outfit shot I took just before I ended my long day.



  1. Min
    August 3, 2009 / 4:29 pm

    Hi – How mush does it cost to do up the portrait?

  2. Min
    August 3, 2009 / 4:29 pm

    Hi – How mush does it cost to do up the portrait?

  3. August 3, 2009 / 4:32 pm


    They have a you pay what you like system. So it’s really up to you and how much you like the drawing.

  4. August 3, 2009 / 4:32 pm


    They have a you pay what you like system. So it’s really up to you and how much you like the drawing.

  5. August 5, 2009 / 8:57 pm

    i like the black and white portrait of louis better than the watercolor painting of emmie! emmie’s portrait doesn’t quite look like her.

    how’s the ju shin jung bbq the second time round? is it really that good? $30 is quite ex for korean bbq, considering i can eat at seoul garden for $16. but seoul garden is really.. meh.

    you know, i don’t really like halter style dresses but this one LOOKS SO GOOD ON YOU. the halter shape is gorgeous hanging on your frame, the prints and braided straps are so lovely, the colour combination amazing, and the gemstones at the waist + frills at the hem just complement the rest so well. pray tell where this pretty dress is from!

  6. August 5, 2009 / 8:57 pm

    i like the black and white portrait of louis better than the watercolor painting of emmie! emmie’s portrait doesn’t quite look like her.

    how’s the ju shin jung bbq the second time round? is it really that good? $30 is quite ex for korean bbq, considering i can eat at seoul garden for $16. but seoul garden is really.. meh.

    you know, i don’t really like halter style dresses but this one LOOKS SO GOOD ON YOU. the halter shape is gorgeous hanging on your frame, the prints and braided straps are so lovely, the colour combination amazing, and the gemstones at the waist + frills at the hem just complement the rest so well. pray tell where this pretty dress is from!

  7. August 6, 2009 / 4:23 pm


    I personally prefer the drawing of Louis as well. His weird tuft of hair makes a more personal signature on his drawing.

    Ju Shin Jung is pretty good and a little more like traditional Korean BBQ rather then just a BBQ buffet. I love their side dishes and prefer the sliced meat cuts rather then the marinated ones. I don’t really like seoul garden and haven’t had them since I was last in school!

    The dress I wore is not a tie-back halter… there’s actually material cut deeply inwards at the back joining from the breaded fabric at the neck. I’ve had it for a really long time but never wore the dress. From my vague impressions I think I got this dress from FEP;one of those stores that sells one off pieces. Sometimes you find gems in stores like that.

  8. August 6, 2009 / 4:23 pm


    I personally prefer the drawing of Louis as well. His weird tuft of hair makes a more personal signature on his drawing.

    Ju Shin Jung is pretty good and a little more like traditional Korean BBQ rather then just a BBQ buffet. I love their side dishes and prefer the sliced meat cuts rather then the marinated ones. I don’t really like seoul garden and haven’t had them since I was last in school!

    The dress I wore is not a tie-back halter… there’s actually material cut deeply inwards at the back joining from the breaded fabric at the neck. I’ve had it for a really long time but never wore the dress. From my vague impressions I think I got this dress from FEP;one of those stores that sells one off pieces. Sometimes you find gems in stores like that.

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