LG Life is Good Contest Ends

Thanks to all who participated in the LG Life is Good contest on the LG Asia Mobile page! The contest has now come to a close. So here’s the recap for my submissions for Week 6 and Week 7.

Week 6

Both photos was taken in Zurich in the freezing winter !!!

Xaiver came to my place and wanted to be star in his own movie for my LG campaign. So in the spur of the moment, “Sneaky Sneaky” was created to show how powerful imagination can be in a kid’s mind. The music you hear in this video is an original Renzze.com composition.

Week 7

For the final week of the LG campaign, I embarked on doing a short film.  Sebastian and Clara were my lead actor and actress for my film. And for those who are wondering, we are all really good friends and they are not a couple 🙂

My short film “Esrever”  which is a world of the reverse. See if you can spot the details in this opposite world.

And now for the blooper reel! We all had fun making this clip. Even Sebby who was really sick that day felt better from all the laughter we created.


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