Learning CNY baking from the master : Part 2

Remember I said in my post about Learning CNY baking from the master : Part 1, that I went to learn from Sushi’s mum how to bake Chinese New year goodies for 2 days? Well, here’s what I learnt on day 2 : kuih bahulu.

The ingredients are fairly simple – egg, sugar and flour. But the traditional method of “baking” them in-between a hot charcoal filled metal plate and a charcoal stove requires extreme skill and experience! The setting up of the charcoal is one matter and then you need to rotate the metal charcoal plate above with tongs so that the kuih bahulu is evenly cooked. And not forgetting to fan the charcoal in the process as well!  After getting all warm and achy (from standing and squatting constantly), each tedious batch yields only 12 pieces of kuih bahulu! Of course the results are spectacular, with the outer layer crispy and fresh while the insides are soft and moist! I don’t think I’ve reached a level of capability to do this one on my own yet!

Other than spending time at Sushi’s parents place to learn how to make CNY goodies, I got to spend a little more time with my godson Leonidas as well!


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