Lash Extensions, the good, the bad, the ugly

For the last 2 months I haven’t been putting on my usual falsies. Instead, I have on lash extensions. Some of my very acute readers with super sharp eyes even noticed and msged me to ask me if I did something different in my makeup routine.

After I hit my 30 mark, I feel that I’ve began to age rapidly. It could be due to my hectic schedule and lack of sleep but I think a larger reason could be that biologically, my body is moving into a different rhythm. I put on the pounds a little easier and I can no longer endure having just 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night.

As such, I’ve been doing some minor changes to my routine. While I usually don’t exercise, now I try to sneak in a once a week tennis session or a dip in the pool. My skincare and makeup routine has also changed. I’m moving towards a ‘more is better’ trend in skin care and a ‘less is more’ attitude towards makeup.

To start with, my usual makeup routine is tinted sunblock powder, eyeliner and falsies. If I remember, I’ll throw in my blusher. And now with lash extensions, I’ve simplified it even more! All I do these days is draw on my eyeliner!

I do my lash extensions with Lolita because they use the Novalash system which is simply the best! In today’s post I’m going to share with you my happiness and pains of eyelash extensions for those who are considering to get their lashes done. So get ready to get the low down on eyelash extensions.

5 Reasons why I didn’t do eyelash extensions previously

1.  I’m not the careful type so having to gently cleanse my face and avoiding the lashes is quite a pain for me. It’s a nightmare when I wear waterproof eyeliner and bathing in hot showers can pose another problem.

2. I’ve heard of horror stories where natural eyelash becomes bare (botak!) after eyelash extensions.

3. I love to swim and eyelash extensions are not waterproof.

4. Eyelash extensions have been known to irritate the eyes.

5. Eyelash extensions might drop in clumps which will look really odd!

8 Reasons why I love my eyelash extensions and only those Novalash extensions from Lolita.

1. They use the best medical grade eyelash adhesive so it doesn’t harm my lashes and does not contain any formaldehyde.

2. They extend the lashes strand by strand and not in clumps so it would not weigh down your lashes and cause them to drop.

3. Your natural lashes has a natural life cycle and Novalash ensures that their extended lashes follows this life cycle and drops as naturally as possible so you won’t look odd!

4. These lashes (unlike the rest on the market) are waterproof! So I can bathe, swim and even go to the sauna! In fact, in the last step of the eyelash extension process, they actually seal the lash bond with water! So the more water, the stronger the bond. No need to hide my lashes from the water when I’m bathing!

5. I always wake up with beautiful lashes! Having your lashes done makes such a huge difference.

6. It’s a time saver. All I have to do to get ready is to draw my eyes and head out! It gives me an additional 10 mins of sleep which is very precious!

7.  I used to wear falsies all the time but I’m a little rough with removing them (especially when I’m tired) and I’ve plucked out my own lashes with the glue on many occasions (yes, ouch!)  but these eyelash extensions don’t require me to tug at my lashes everyday so my own lashes have started to grow back. (In the photos above, you can see how sparse my own lashes have become.) I’m crediting Lolita for giving my lashes time to grow and heal.

8. The results of a good set of lashes are dependent on the skills of the lash extension artists and at Lolita, they have all gone through extensive training with lots of test models before they are even allowed to start on a customer so I feel very reassured that they will give me a set of beautiful lashes.

All my concerns and worries of doing eyelash extensions have been adequately answered by Jocelyn who is the founder of Lolita. Trained in New York, Jo has spent years perfecting the art of lash extension. Countless of customers have walked out happy and loyal to her group of trained professionals and testimonials can be found all over her shop!

Now my only sacrifice is to find time once a month to head down to Lolita for a touch up of my lashes. Considering all the perks, I guess it’s a small sacrifice to make 🙂

I’ll be doing another post of my eyelash and the effects after my touch up!







Outfit for that day

I headed to Lolita for my eyelash extensions after work . I was feeling the love for orange that day!

Scarf Dress: D & G

Yellow Ribbon Clip: Alanah Hill

Watch:  Chopard

Accessories: YSL, Hermes, Bvlgari

Bag: Hermes

Shoes: Chanel





  1. excuses excuses
    August 14, 2012 / 4:07 am

    learn how to spell Hectic correctly, please!!!

    • August 14, 2012 / 4:52 pm

      Hi excuses excuses,

      Thanks for noting my spelling error and I’ve amended it. Typo errors do happend from time to time even in major publications, not to mention my insignificant little personal blog.
      Did you have a bad day today? Seem like my one spelling error really set you off! Have a good week ahead 🙂

  2. excuses excuses
    August 14, 2012 / 4:07 am

    learn how to spell Hectic correctly, please!!!

    • August 14, 2012 / 4:52 pm

      Hi excuses excuses,

      Thanks for noting my spelling error and I’ve amended it. Typo errors do happend from time to time even in major publications, not to mention my insignificant little personal blog.
      Did you have a bad day today? Seem like my one spelling error really set you off! Have a good week ahead 🙂

  3. Cathy
    August 16, 2012 / 2:55 pm

    Woah! Spelling bee on the hunt! Renzze, you better watch out. Seems like you got a hater stalking you.

    I want to try the extensions especially since you said it is waterproof. Do you have a close up of how the lashes look?

    • August 24, 2012 / 1:41 pm

      Hi Cathy,

      I’ll remember to take a close up of the extensions for you the next time I snap a pic!

  4. Cathy
    August 16, 2012 / 2:55 pm

    Woah! Spelling bee on the hunt! Renzze, you better watch out. Seems like you got a hater stalking you.

    I want to try the extensions especially since you said it is waterproof. Do you have a close up of how the lashes look?

    • August 24, 2012 / 1:41 pm

      Hi Cathy,

      I’ll remember to take a close up of the extensions for you the next time I snap a pic!

  5. Ruby
    August 25, 2012 / 6:51 pm

    Such a clash of brands, whatever happened to your fashion sense? Such a pity,

  6. Ruby
    August 25, 2012 / 6:51 pm

    Such a clash of brands, whatever happened to your fashion sense? Such a pity,

  7. Bridget
    December 29, 2012 / 6:41 pm

    Hi, I will be in Singapore for just a couple of days, Dec 30 – jan 1 and would like to get my lashes done. Can you suggest a place ( or places) where I go?


    • January 4, 2013 / 1:51 pm

      Hi Bridget,

      I’m sorry I replied so late! I’ve been traveling myself so I didn’t get a chance to check in on my blog comments earlier. If you happend to extend your stay or will be in Singapore again, you can head down to Lolita for their nova lash extensions. Here is their contact.
      Marina Link @ Marina Square #B1-12 Singapore [Call 65-63389981]

  8. Bridget
    December 29, 2012 / 6:41 pm

    Hi, I will be in Singapore for just a couple of days, Dec 30 – jan 1 and would like to get my lashes done. Can you suggest a place ( or places) where I go?


    • January 4, 2013 / 1:51 pm

      Hi Bridget,

      I’m sorry I replied so late! I’ve been traveling myself so I didn’t get a chance to check in on my blog comments earlier. If you happend to extend your stay or will be in Singapore again, you can head down to Lolita for their nova lash extensions. Here is their contact.
      Marina Link @ Marina Square #B1-12 Singapore [Call 65-63389981]

  9. August 29, 2013 / 10:05 pm

    I had a friend who went for hers and hers is so nice. Then I thought about the harmful glue and how long they could last. You had answered these 2 questions! THANKS! Btw, you have excellent dress sense! Will visit your blog again!

    • September 3, 2013 / 1:27 pm

      Hi Kelly,

      I’m glad I could help 🙂

  10. August 29, 2013 / 10:05 pm

    I had a friend who went for hers and hers is so nice. Then I thought about the harmful glue and how long they could last. You had answered these 2 questions! THANKS! Btw, you have excellent dress sense! Will visit your blog again!

    • September 3, 2013 / 1:27 pm

      Hi Kelly,

      I’m glad I could help 🙂

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