Karma's a bitch

Warning to those jerks out there. Don’t mess with good girls and think that you can get away with it. And especially don’t mess with good girls that have good girl friends cause karma’s gonna come get you someday and I bet it’s a woman. Karma’s always a bitch!

J**** C*** you’re such a bastard. Using deceit and manipulation is no way to treat a lady even if you’ve been successfully cheating girls from one country to the next. You are scraping the bottom of the human morals pool; the worst scum ever. Don’t you dare come bother my friend again cause she’s got so much good to give and should never be tainted by someone as disgusting as you. 

I’m sure there are many girls that meet a**holes like that so to all those guys. May the day come that you wished you were never born! Ok, I’m getting really mean and letting anger get the better of me. But I really love and treasure my friends so I get really pissed off when I see them upset or deceived.

I don’t want to leave my readers with a negative feeling so to soften the mood, here’s an outfit I wore on a day I was really happy. I had a day of fun, swimming and playing badminton.




  1. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 11:44 am

    Wow… Karen Jie,

    U are a very nice loving lady so to 1s time read your post of u getting angry, I sure know is this person sure must have make u so angry!

    Yes, this person is a ass! If I were u, I also will be so angry to who ever make my friends or people I care around me like shit! I hate guys who treat girls bad!

    All guys & girls should treat each other good! =)

    I really hope your girlfriend is fine, tell her she should not be sad for a ass guy like him! She has u all & there is other great & wonderful guys out there!~

    Ass guys like them better really wish they were never born like u said in your post! They make good guys like bad guys because of them so I guess great guys hate this kind of ass guys too!

  2. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 11:44 am

    Wow… Karen Jie,

    U are a very nice loving lady so to 1s time read your post of u getting angry, I sure know is this person sure must have make u so angry!

    Yes, this person is a ass! If I were u, I also will be so angry to who ever make my friends or people I care around me like shit! I hate guys who treat girls bad!

    All guys & girls should treat each other good! =)

    I really hope your girlfriend is fine, tell her she should not be sad for a ass guy like him! She has u all & there is other great & wonderful guys out there!~

    Ass guys like them better really wish they were never born like u said in your post! They make good guys like bad guys because of them so I guess great guys hate this kind of ass guys too!

  3. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 11:48 am

    Anyway, Karen u also dun be to up-sad already as I know u is not happy to see your friends get bully!

    Thanks for always being a good friends to your girlfriends & a wonderful Jie to me. U is always there for each of us!

    Up’s to u for your friendship! =)

    *side topic* : Your outfit looks cool, maybe because I am a big Hoodle Fan! I love hoodle! haha!

  4. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 11:48 am

    Anyway, Karen u also dun be to up-sad already as I know u is not happy to see your friends get bully!

    Thanks for always being a good friends to your girlfriends & a wonderful Jie to me. U is always there for each of us!

    Up’s to u for your friendship! =)

    *side topic* : Your outfit looks cool, maybe because I am a big Hoodle Fan! I love hoodle! haha!

  5. March 30, 2009 / 12:13 pm


    Thanks, I’ll pass your msg along to my friend.

  6. March 30, 2009 / 12:13 pm


    Thanks, I’ll pass your msg along to my friend.

  7. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 8:33 pm

    No prob!

    I hope that guy u taking about read this post!

    U & your friend take care!

  8. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 8:33 pm

    No prob!

    I hope that guy u taking about read this post!

    U & your friend take care!

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