
In the tiny town of Kampar, it is said that they are home to the very famous and delicous claypot chicken rice so we wanted give a go!

Alas, when we got there, there were quite a few stalls of claypot chicken rice sellers and we didn’t know which one was the legendary yummy one!

In the end we just settled for a random one we found on the street because the aroma of claypot chicken rice being cooked over charcoal was too hard to resist.

We made our orders and happily challenged each other at bejeweled on the iphone and taking silly pictures while waiting for our dinner to arrive.

Finally our food came!!!

You can mix it up with as much oil and dark soya sauce as you wish.

An additional side order of vegetables makes this a complete meal with proteins, vegetables and carbs.

The verdict? Well, it smelled really good and tasted nice but it wasn’t WOW enough for me to consider this a must try. But then again we walked into a random stall so the legendary Kampar Claypot Chicken rice is still at large somewhere. If I get a heads up on the location of the authentic famous one I’ll go back to try it.  🙂



  1. June 7, 2010 / 9:56 pm

    Looks so yum yum!

    Personally, i love claypot chicken rice too!
    So i drool while looking at the pictures… =P

    • June 7, 2010 / 10:24 pm

      Hong Wei,

      Local dishes always makes me hungry! It’s always the local delights of Singapore and Malaysia I miss most when I’m abroad.

  2. June 7, 2010 / 9:56 pm

    Looks so yum yum!

    Personally, i love claypot chicken rice too!
    So i drool while looking at the pictures… =P

    • June 7, 2010 / 10:24 pm

      Hong Wei,

      Local dishes always makes me hungry! It’s always the local delights of Singapore and Malaysia I miss most when I’m abroad.

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