June Vanity Trove at Chock Full Of Beans

If you are wondering why I haven’t blogged about my June’s Vanity Trove, I wasn’t around when my June’s Vanity Trove arrived and my family forgot to passed to me till it was much later.

June and July’s Troves are actually the last of Vanity Trove’s beautiful surprises as from now on, they have changed their concept and you will be able to create your own trove. I’ll tell you more about that when I receive and test out my customized trove this coming week. *excited*

For now, let me highlight the items that I liked in my June’s surprise Vanity Trove.

As usual, Vanity Trove came with a whole lot of surprise samples and of these samples, I really like the Apivita range. My skin type tends to change whenever I travel as my skin is quite sensitive to the changes in climate and environment.  Apivita Cleansing Purifying Tonic Lotion is meant for oily combination skin and works great as a toner to give a matt finish after cleansing. It’s a bonus to me that 98% of the ingredients are natural including propolis, citrus and tea tree essential oils as natural ingredients are usually less likely to cause my sensitive skin to react adversely.

I don’t usually put on heavy makeup or any foundation unless its a special event and when I do, I like to put on a deep cleansing mask after my usual cleansing routine to make sure that there is nothing left that will clog my pores. The Apivita Express Beauty Green Clay Mask did a good job of purging all the impurities and helping to tighten my pores.

The last item that I want to share with you from this range is the Apivita Light Texture Face Cream for Oily-Combination Skin SPF30. I passed this on to a good friend who was testing out different types of sunscreen and she told me that it was really good for her combination skin. She loved it so much she went to buy a full size bottle after that!

It’s always fun to try new stuff and I think I’ve added Apivita into one of the brands I should look out for. Thanks Vanity Trove for the samples!

To find out more about Vanity Trove visit them at https://www.vanitytrove.com






The photos were taken over my dinner at Chock Full of Beans, Changi Village.

It’s a cozy little hangout though the food menu is a little limited.

However, due to its lovely coffee and hot chocolate, it has become one of my usual hangouts to chill after dinner. I posted my first ever spongebob squarepants hot chocolate on my instagram (@renzze) and there were quite a lot of people asking me where I had it so here’s sharing the place with you. The do other lovely coffee (and hot chocolate) art and it’s a nice surprise each time.


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