Japan’s No. 1 Beauty Gadget – Hitachi Hada Crie Cool

This post was written by me on 25th March 2013 and am simply reposting it here on my blog.

I love gadgets. I love to be beautiful. I love anything that will enhance my standard of living.

So it seems natural that when Hitachi Hada Crie Cool, Japan’s No. 1 Beauty Gadget is now available in Singapore, I just had to try it out. After all, Japanese girls all seem to have flawless complexions and this may be one of their secret arsenals!

It addresses the some key concerns that I (and lots of women all around the world) wish for in our skincare:

– increase moisture for the skin

-pore cleansing

-prevention of wrinkle

-pore tightening

I had just returned from a month long trip to northern europe and lapland. Venturing as far north as I dared, through the arctic circle, I faced frozen temperatures of -32C with crazy winds all day long. While it is the adventure of a lifetime, my skin didn’t take the drastic temperatures too well and I came back to Singapore with an extremely dehydrated skin. I visited a doctor and did an awesome medi facial which normalized my skin but such facials are an expensive luxury that require putting aside half a day for. The idea of being able to make sure I have clean pores and allowing the increase absorption of moisture in the comforts of my own home on a daily basis sounded magical.

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Without further ado, here’s how the box of my new gadget looks like. A large “Made in Japan”  can be seen prominently on the front. In this day and age where it’s simply more economical to have all manufacturing done in China, Indonesia or Vietnam, it really is rare to still see products still made in Japan where I assume the quality is even better assured.

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It comes with this handy little carrier which I love. The insides are so girly and practical with every single compartment labelled neatly. Great for people with OCDs!

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It comes with the instruction manual, quick instruction card, Hada Crie Cool device, power cable, 2 plastic cotton rings, some cotton wool and a miniature Hada Labo toner sample. I totally appreciate the fact that they included everything I needed to start trying out the gadget immediately!

However, before you can use the device, you to remove your make up and wash your face with you usual cleanser. With “cleaned” face, you can then use the Hitachi Hada Crie Cool to pull out all your remaining fine dirt in your pores using ion power.

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The cleansing mode is the first mode which will require a cotton pad.

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Use the white plastic cotton ring to secure the cotton onto the head of the device. Soak the cotton with a generous amount of the Hada Labo toner that has been given. You can also choose to use your own toner or cleansing water. This mode gets rid of the dirt in the pores which our everyday basic cleansing does not remove.  It takes 5 minutes for this step. Even though I’ve already washed my face with Clarisonic before using the Hitachi Hada Crie Cool, surprisingly, my cotton pad still gets a little greyish. Imagine all the gunk that has been stuck in my pores and will develop into blackheads if I didn’t use this device!

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The next step is the micro-pat which optimizes the skin condition for moisturizing ingredients to penetrate easily. This step doesn’t need a cotton pad. I usually skip this step on a daily basis to save time as it takes an additional 5 mins. However, on alternate days, after the using the cleansing function of the Hada Crie Cool, I’ll put on a sheet mask for 15 to 20 mins. When I remove the sheet mask, my skin is still damp and covered in left-over essence from the mask. I’ll then use the micro-pat function of the Hada Crie Cool to increase the absorption of those remaining liquid on my skin.

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The 3rd function is for moisturizing. In the cleansing mode, the Hada Crie Cool uses positive electric current to pull out the negative-ionzed dirt trapped in the pores of the skin. But in the moisturizing mode, it reverses the ions so your negatively-ionized lotion will be sucked into the skin for deeper penetration. For this mode, you need to use a clean sheet of cotton and the ring for securing the cotton before you soak the cotton with a water based moisturizer. The moist-up mode enables the  skin to stay moisturized for a much longer time. Perfect for those of us who have dry skin, are stuck in air-con all day long or often travel to drier climates.

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The last mode is probably my favorite one.The cool-aesthetic mode takes one and a half mins to cool down the device before you can use it. When you place it on your skin, it’s like placing an ice cube on your face. Patting your face with the cool titanium head helps to tighten and close up all your pores. Its refreshing and a cool way (pun intended) to end your beauty routine. If you have sensitive skin like mine that will turn red easily under the sun or after using products, this mode is a godsend. It calms down my skin instantly and works great on calming down insect bites as well!

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Hada Crie Cool is a beauty gadget that is great for traveling and you can share it with your mothers and sisters too (as long as you clean the head after each use). My dogs were very curious but unfortunately I don’t recommend sharing it with your pet.

2013_03_21_9999_85 copy_cbAlthough I’m pleased with the initial results I’m getting from the Hada Crie Cool, I’m still experimenting with the uses of this gadget and will report back with a detailed review soon. I’ll let you in on the pros and the cons as well as how I’ve incorporated this gadget into my travels.




Read more: http://asianskincareobsession.tumblr.com/post/29225802032/hitachi-hada-crie-facial-device#ixzz2OUjAzMs4 moist-up mode


  1. reinn
    September 3, 2013 / 2:21 am

    hi renzze

    can i kw where you purchase this gadget from?


  2. reinn
    September 3, 2013 / 2:21 am

    hi renzze

    can i kw where you purchase this gadget from?


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