iProperty.com’s Inaugural People’s Choice Awards

Singapore is a tiny island with 6 million people. Needless to say, houses are expensive and much consideration is needed when planning to put a sizable part of your income into a place you will call home. iProperty understands this and have created the very first People’s Choice Awards where the public gets their say on which property is best suited for the different requirements that we look for in a home.

While attending the funky award ceremony, I found that the different categories are really quite interestingly named and I was excited to see who would win the best eco-condo award and the best resort feel award.

Property is serious business in Singapore but with quirky awards such as “Swinging Single Party Pad” Award and ” Property I Would Even Bet My Granny’s Savings On” Award, iProperty managed to make it this competition light hearted and enjoyable for anyone. And winners, walk away with a shimmering golden brick. I actually think that the trophy was  really cool and apt for this property award ceremony.

For those who are currently trawling the property marketing looking for good buys or have recently bought yourself a swanky new condo, here are the results. You’ll notice that most Singaporeans are actually choosing to move away from the city and into the heartlands.






Outfit of the day

Dress: Ching

Earrings & Watch: Chanel

Bracelet: Hermes

Bag: Celine

Heels: DSquared


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