I'm Home…

I touched down today. It’s been a long 3 weeks from me. The direct New York to Singapore flight is 18 hours and that was DIRECT! Was looking forward to being home so the plane ride wasn’t as exhausting but after reaching Singapore my world stopped spinning and everything crashed. So much has happened in the 3 weeks I was away and the full impact of those changes hit me the very same day I arrived.

I lost someone close and I’m really don’t know how to react. I hope that the million of chores I have to accomplish in the next few days will help numb the pain. I refuse to allow the full extent of how I feel get to me cause if I do then the pain would be too much to bear and I might fail to function. I really feel empty… I wish I could run away from reality. But I can’t. And even though I know that time heals all wounds. The lost will always be felt.

In life we try… we fall but we get up and try. The hope of something better keeps us going. But what happens when the hope fades? Will accepting and coming to terms with a grim future be easier to handle or do we go blindly in faith that there is a glimmer of silver in the stormy skies.

I didn’t expect my first post after my 3 weeks holiday to be so depressing but life is full of surprises. I will update on my trip as well as the events I never got down to blogging before I left. I will also continue to plan Louis first birthday party. But for today I just need to numb my aching heart.



  1. Jasminesmt
    April 24, 2007 / 10:35 pm

    Hi gal, just wanted drop a few words after reading your post.

    Be strong and as cheesy as it sounds, time really will help to ease the pain.

    Cheer up and I hope you will get through whatever you are going through and come out stronger.

  2. vernis
    April 26, 2007 / 5:29 pm

    welcome back.
    take care, time heals. i also hv sad happenings, mine is money heals. let’s be strong. MUACKZ…

  3. April 26, 2007 / 11:51 pm

    Thanks for the encouragement dears… I’m dealing with the sad issues one at a time… and counting my blessings when i can.

  4. Vivien
    May 3, 2007 / 11:31 pm

    Dear Karen~

    I think I am too slow to read this only now~
    I hope u are feeling better already~
    U been a great and nice girl to all~
    God bless u and your LoVed ones~
    Be strong and Best wishes! Take good care~ 🙂

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