Ice Skating

As promised… ice-skating pictures with Koji and Clara. Clara used to figure skate so she was the pro teacher to us. I feel like an elephant on ice!

I feel so short next to the babes… Esp clara.. she’s 1.69m and towering over me with her skates!

In life it doesn’t matter what you do… it’s who you do them with. Spending time with my love ones and girlfriends makes me feel very blessed. It can be our wee hours chit-chat sessions in flip flops or getting our face steamed up while having steamboat… it doesn’t have to be fancy at all… its just awesome to be able to say or do anything without any pretense and know that you’ll always be loved. This also goes out to Sushi, Clara, Koji, Celeste, Yan, Bernice, Eleanor and Mendy some who are not pictured in this post.

And lastly a little video clip =)



  1. sushi
    December 9, 2008 / 10:50 pm

    oh man the video is so sweet, the only thing that puzzles me is… where was i? hahahaha. must be one of the times i was sick or trapped at home lol. actually im also glad that i wasnt there la cos i dont think i rem how to iceskate anymore hahahaha. anyway, im also very thankful to have you and the girls around. everything just seems to feel so right with u all around. now i really hope i dont have to leave here anytime soon. :X

  2. sushi
    December 9, 2008 / 10:50 pm

    oh man the video is so sweet, the only thing that puzzles me is… where was i? hahahaha. must be one of the times i was sick or trapped at home lol. actually im also glad that i wasnt there la cos i dont think i rem how to iceskate anymore hahahaha. anyway, im also very thankful to have you and the girls around. everything just seems to feel so right with u all around. now i really hope i dont have to leave here anytime soon. :X

  3. December 9, 2008 / 11:03 pm


    This was the day we were supposed to been playing paintball. If I don’t recall wrongly it was the period where you weren’t feeling too good. Don’t leave us ok! Or if you do you must come back often!

  4. December 9, 2008 / 11:03 pm


    This was the day we were supposed to been playing paintball. If I don’t recall wrongly it was the period where you weren’t feeling too good. Don’t leave us ok! Or if you do you must come back often!

  5. December 10, 2008 / 2:10 pm

    Haha so cute… they were dragging you along in one of the frames…

    I love ice-skating… too bad the one at Jurong closed…

    Is this the one at Kallang? Never been there before…

  6. December 10, 2008 / 2:10 pm

    Haha so cute… they were dragging you along in one of the frames…

    I love ice-skating… too bad the one at Jurong closed…

    Is this the one at Kallang? Never been there before…

  7. charm
    December 12, 2008 / 2:01 pm

    i love the song in your video. may i know wats the title and singer

  8. charm
    December 12, 2008 / 2:01 pm

    i love the song in your video. may i know wats the title and singer

  9. December 16, 2008 / 4:11 am


    Yup this is the one at Kallang.


    The song is New Soul by Yeal Naim.

  10. December 16, 2008 / 4:11 am


    Yup this is the one at Kallang.


    The song is New Soul by Yeal Naim.

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