Ice-cream Cravings

Recently I’ve been totally craving ice-cream… especially Ben & Jerry’s Strawberry Cheezecake Ice-Cream… I’ve already devoured 3 tubs!!! Maybe I’ll get a tub of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food soon… I also wanna try their Oatmeal Cookie ChunkIce-cream… Fossil Fuel Ice-cream and Half- Baked Ice-cream next time =)

My Personal Ice-cream Hall Of Fame

1. Ben & Jerry’s Strawberry Cheezecake

2. Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Chip Cookie Dough

3. Haagan Daz Macadamia Brittle

4. Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food

5. Haagan Daz Rum and Raisin

6. Haagan Daz Bailey’s Irish Cream

7. Wall’s Cornetto Ice Cream

8. Wall’s Viennetta Chocolate

9. Push- Ups!! Been eating them since i was little… all sorts of brands but same concept… nowadays I think only nestle has them…

10. Finally… Milo Ice-cream… Basically I like Milo… Milo Dinosaur… Milo Hot/Cold… Milo Powder… Milo nuggets… etc…



  1. September 28, 2006 / 5:13 pm

    Hey ello…! Wow so many Ice-Cream sia..make me want to eat Ice-Cream too. Hey do u know that your lil sis here love Ben & Jerry Ice-Carem too. My fav is Cookie and cream. I everytime go to suntec Ben & Jerry Store & buy their Ice-cream lor.One day we buy a tub & share ok. Hum I think make it 2 tub because I always eat up 1 hold tub by myself in one day. Let’s have Ice-cream Party ya?

  2. September 28, 2006 / 5:19 pm

    by the way my Far is Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Chip Cookie Dough. I always only buy that..I love it…! Hahaz..!

  3. September 28, 2006 / 6:29 pm

    one day after your exams we buy 2 tubs and eat at my place while watching some rented movies or something yah?

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