I need Porcelain Face Spa again

I know that my mailing list has been rather wonky these last few weeks and quite a number of you haven’t received the usual notifications of my post on your emails. Sorry about that and I’ll try to get that fixed once I find time to sit down and work out the technical codes.

As my title says, I need Porcelain Face Spa again! It’s been a long time since I last went to them for facials because I’ve been traveling so much the last couple of months. You could say that I was away more than I was around! And the different time zones, climate changes and constant air travel has caused my skin to regain those tiny bumps that Porcelain face spa helped to clear away the previous time.  So I’m going back for another round to restore my skin. They are definitely one of my secret beauty weapons!

It’s even more important to me know because I sleep late hours, have a lot of snacks and oil food and put on makeup for events and photos shoot (though I stay clear of all foundation on normal days). Their facials are extremely detailed and would go through every inch of your face to scout out all the potential problems to treat them individually. On an average, the facial takes 2-3 hours and I heard that for people with worse skin, it can take even longer!

This is a general guide of what they did for me during my facial though it might not be the same for everyone since their specialty is in customizing facials for different skins.

1.       Double cleanse my face. (Double cleansing helps remove the top layer of impurities more effectively.)

2.       Deep Pore Cleansing aka extraction (This step too the longest time and is also the main reason why I go to them to treat my troubled skin. You can always use lotions and skincare at home but for someone to manually extract impurities from your skin without any scars, you need a good professional.)

3.       After extraction, customized serums and ampoules targeting for sensitive skin was applied. It can aid in healing pigmentations and many more issues with the skin such as liver spots, eczema and acne etc.

4.       LED Red Light for 10 minutes. (To help heal any wounds and sooth my skin if you want more info on LED Light, visit http://www.light4beauty.com/research-media.html)

5.       Followed by Hydrating Soft Mask which helps replenish water loss.

6.       Lastly, our Therapist applied customized gels that has proven anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Sounds good? It is! I’ll be going for my next appointment in 2 weeks time and will keep you informed of my progress! Meanwhile, if you are interested to give them a go, then call  Porcelain The Face Spa at 6227 9692 to make an appointment. They are located at 31A Cantonment Road,  Singapore 089747 and the nearest MRT is Outrum Park Station. Words can’t express how effective they are, you got to try it for yourself!


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