I miss my girls

The August to February period is the most busy time for me and it’s also usually the time I travel the most. And I haven’t had time to really hang out with my girlies! They are all also busy with travelling or work or their partners so it’s been hard to work out our schedules but I do miss them. Hopefully Christmas gives us all an excuse to put everything else aside to meet up more often!

As for my blog, I’m still dealing with back logged photos actually… watermarking and deciding which photos to post then uploading them and finally putting them all together in a post is not as easy as it looks. Okay… it’s not really hard either but it’s definitely time consuming. And time is the one commodity I seem to be always short of. Just the other day I found a full 16G SD card of photos! After uploading them, I realized they were taken in the end September to early November period including my birthday parties, Halloween, short trips and the countless of weddings I attended. So give me a little more time to go through them and share them with you. And don’t be surprise if you see photos that are all really outdated!

Meanwhile, here’s an outfit I wore for a day out with friends. One of my favorite Moschino dress.

And in the wee hours of the morning, when I’m in the study room, working on my computer…  Emmie would sleep near my feet while Louis climbs on the the sofa bed next to me and makes himself comfortable on my 2 portable speaker cushions! Here are some photos of him caught in between the turntable and the guitar cushions! He was just really curious why I suddenly walked over and took photos of him.



  1. December 5, 2009 / 12:45 pm

    louise with his floppy ears, good shot 😀 i understand, my photos are usually back logged too. take it easy, it is just a blog; something for you to enjoy, not work : ) anyway outdated content or not, your blog is still my daily read.

    p/s is it me or do the purple shoes don’t quite fit? i see your toes sticking out of the peephole.

    • December 6, 2009 / 12:42 am


      Thanks =) I guess I just owe a lot of my friends and family photos and posting them on my blog is my way of sharing it when them so they get anxious too! I’ve got extremely narrow feet… so although the purple shoes are in my size, due to the angle of the heels, sometimes my toes would side forward and peek out. And that’s my gripe about narrow feet!

  2. December 5, 2009 / 12:45 pm

    louise with his floppy ears, good shot 😀 i understand, my photos are usually back logged too. take it easy, it is just a blog; something for you to enjoy, not work : ) anyway outdated content or not, your blog is still my daily read.

    p/s is it me or do the purple shoes don’t quite fit? i see your toes sticking out of the peephole.

    • December 6, 2009 / 12:42 am


      Thanks =) I guess I just owe a lot of my friends and family photos and posting them on my blog is my way of sharing it when them so they get anxious too! I’ve got extremely narrow feet… so although the purple shoes are in my size, due to the angle of the heels, sometimes my toes would side forward and peek out. And that’s my gripe about narrow feet!

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