I Hate To Have To Repeat Myself!

Unfortunately, today while trying to sort out some technical problems with my blog I lost my previous 2 post! Kinda sad that they aren’t retrievable but I guess I just have to learn my lesson the hard way about the importance of creating backups!

So for those who managed to catch my previous 2 entries please bear with me while I repeat myself.

In a nutshell, I got my own domain after much encouragement by Mr Cool*. He lent me his idle domain (blackpaintbrush.com) for me to try out and gave me a basic tutorial about using ftp and coding php before I took the giant leap of faith and registered renzze.com . Though faced with much difficulties especially for a IT noob as myself I managed to get everything up and running. With my own site I have much more control compared to when I was with blogspot but I’m still in the process of learning how to control and what possibilities I may have with new knowledge.

I welcome any feedbacks on the site! And thanks to all my friends for changing their link address from renzze.blogspot.com to www.renzze.com … I know what a chore it can be =)

Some noteworthy changes:
– It’s a new layout and you can click on the small thumbnails below my main title to change the background to your liking. I initially wanted to use National Geographic pictures for my background because I’ve quite a collection and they are such beautiful pictures! But due to copyright laws I didn’t. Will change or add new background selection from my own travels in the near future.
– Added a shopping cart on the top right to sell some of my stuffs but it’s not fully set up yet.
– Added links of some friends which I never got round to doing in my old blog.
– Added categories so that you can choose to view all related post.
– A search function to the right of the main title can be used to find anything within the blog.
– Activated comments so you can choose to comment or leave a tag.
– Removed google adsense

My site looks perfect with Firefox and I highly recommend viewing with Firefox. I know that it’s a tad screwed in Internet Explorer. I will work on that when I have the time…

* name has been concealed at the request of the mentioned.


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