I believe in pink…

This pink Talyor Dimante Bustier Dress from Faire Belle really reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Audrey Hepburn:

“I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and… I believe in miracles.”

Sometimes (myself included) we take life a little too seriously and we allow our work to creep into our constantly hectic lifestyle. While I’m all for equality of opportunities between men and women; and I know how much feminist women have struggled to win the battle of the sexes through the ages, I still believe that it’s good to sometimes, sit back and enjoy the frivolities of being a girl.

Women of the 50s had a keen sense of fashion and deportment with their quality constructed outfits, hats, gloves and boxy clutches. They were out of the office by 5 pm (since no one in those era expected a women to solve corporate problems) and spent the rest of their evening with their love ones and maintaining their perfectly manicured nails and coiffed hair.

When did the women of today stop learning to feel good about themselves and strive to be the superwomen they’ve  tasked themselves to transform into. Every day it’s a struggle to do more then men just to gain the same respect while being buried in constant stress and wasting days ticking off items to do on their check list for their work and their family . So while I  admit that I too do get caught up in the rat race to excel in all aspects of my life, I always take a slot of time every week to be a girl. To be pampered, to spend time with love ones, to wear beautiful dresses and to cultivate my inner peace.

So here I am on a Sunday in this gorgeous dress with pleated details and diamond crystal studs all along the bust line feeling blessed to have such wonderful weather, taking my outfit shots to share with my readers after a lovely Sunday brunch date with Audrey.

Now, more about my outfit since this was supposed to have been an outfit post. I was surprised at the vivid color of the pink when I saw the photos! I think this color absolutely stands out in photos and would be great for those intending to take on a trip so that you’ll pop up beautifully in travel pictures. The first photo of this post was color edited as I wanted to post up the outfit look on  lookbook and enstyle but I left the rest of the pictures unedited so you can see how vibrant the pink is.

The cut  of my  dress is simple but the dress functions well for both day and night events in this coming festive season. Self-manufactured by Faire Belle,  the material quality is great and there won’t be too many out there with the same dress.

It comes in quite a few colors and I think the purple version is also rather striking for those who think pink is way too girly for your spunky personality.

The dress will only launch on the Faire Belle site,


at 9pm on 15th December 2011 (TONIGHT!!!)

So don’t miss out to grab it 🙂








  1. Daphne
    December 18, 2011 / 8:33 am

    Hi Renzze

    Would like to know how the editing for the top pics were done. The soft look with dreamy feel. Thanks.

  2. Daphne
    December 18, 2011 / 8:33 am

    Hi Renzze

    Would like to know how the editing for the top pics were done. The soft look with dreamy feel. Thanks.

  3. Daphne
    January 1, 2012 / 9:20 am

    Hi Renzze

    Thanks for the tips. As im not using P.S,
    have tried color levels from my Microsoft editor instead. Not bad, and i’ve learnt something new
    : )

  4. Daphne
    January 1, 2012 / 9:20 am

    Hi Renzze

    Thanks for the tips. As im not using P.S,
    have tried color levels from my Microsoft editor instead. Not bad, and i’ve learnt something new
    : )

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