Hong Kong with my sister

This time my little sis went along to Hong Kong with me. We took the Airport Express and it’s really fast, clean and very convenient.

We had some yummy desserts and Janice agreed that the Hong Kong food standards are generally better then Singapore. Even the local diner serves up yummy food!

We spent the day shopping and trying out the street food. I was tempted to try “Chou Dou Fu” (Smelly Beancurd) but was eventually put off by the rotten garbage smell it was emitting. A local told me that the smellier the doufu, the better tasting and that the one I was considering smelt too mild to be considered good.

After a ridiculously full dinner (I ate till I can no longer get out of my seat!), we headed down to the Ladies market for some cheap shopping! I managed to find some nice fitting gloves for my tiny hands and yet another pair of boots. My sister also bought a pair of boots that I really liked but felt was too high for me.



  1. Janice_shermaine
    March 3, 2009 / 4:10 pm

    Yes, HK Was Sure Fun….Fun….& more Fun!

    I am happy I went to HK with u & I would love to go back HK!
    I love HK!!!!

    OMG, The Food there is sooo nice to eat & I love the cheap Shopping over there! I love Shopping with u!

    Lets go soon again yup!


  2. March 3, 2009 / 9:30 pm

    I’ve got so much photos lor! One day must pass them all to you!

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