Hong Kong Disneyland

If you’ve never been to Disneyland before then by all means do go at least once to see the wonder of Walt Disney. But if you have been to Disney even if you were just a little kid then don’t go to HK’s Disneyland. I think it’s really not comparable to the other ones. I’m not sure if I’m just disillusioned cause I’m now an adult and Disney is no longer a magical land or if I’ve been to too many Disney and after awhile they all feel the same. I guess it could also be the first time I’ve been to Disneyland in such a warm and humid weather. Whatever the reason…. I did not enjoy my HK Disneyland trip. There was nothing WOW about it at all! I remember having the most fun in Disneyworld Orlando, Florida followed by Disneysea Tokyo. The rest of the Disney chains left no significant impact on me. But the one in HK would have to be my worst.

And if you are wondering why silly me wore jeans when I’m complaining of the hot humid weather. Well… it was very windy in the city that morning so jeans was a safer bet then shorts or a dress… until I got to the park. That’s why the phrase “unpredictable as weather” .

I guess my favorite part would be the ride on the Mickey train to get back to the city. I stayed at the park for a total of 3 hours in the morning… before I called it quits. I would have left earlier had I not felt guilty pangs of wasting about SGD50 for each ticket. All I wanted to do was to get back to the hotel… shower and sleep till it was time to meet for dinner. I know a lot of you would think I’m nuts to sleep a day away when I’m overseas on holiday! But isn’t that what a holiday is about? Not having to worry about time or responsibilities and sleeping whenever you want.


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