
Was supposed to meet up with Mendy and Celeste to shop for Sushi’s birthday prezzie but I due to a variety of miscommunications I ended up shopping with Berns instead.

We went a couple of places ended up at DFS at Park Royal On Scotts. Above is the picture of a full size race car that is made entirely out of chocolate!

In the end we decided to get a twilly for Sushi and I ended up getting stuffs for me too! I really shouldn’t shop for others… it’s just too tempting!

I rarely if ever blog about my purchases… partly cause I’m lazy and would only take pictures when I’m wearing or using them… and partly cause I tend to get too tired after a day of shopping high to bother about snapping shots. But a close friend overseas is considering getting the garden tote and twilly and wanted to see pictures of my purchases before making her decision. So SW here are the pictures you wanted.

This pink twilly was Sushi’s prezzie! I tied it on my grey garden tote to see how it’ll look but I’m sure it’ll look even prettier on her black one.

This one is for me! Doesn’t the green look cute on the grey?

And a black twilly for my red garden tote =) Gosh! Gonna stay away from Hermes for awhile… even though the Lindy looks very enticing.

And before I forget… this is what I wore that day… I haven’t taken a picture using mirror in a long long while too.



  1. diane
    October 7, 2008 / 5:36 pm

    i love your silver shoes! where is it from?

  2. diane
    October 7, 2008 / 5:36 pm

    i love your silver shoes! where is it from?

  3. min
    October 8, 2008 / 9:38 pm

    i love your dress babe!!!!!!!
    tell me tell me where its from

  4. min
    October 8, 2008 / 9:38 pm

    i love your dress babe!!!!!!!
    tell me tell me where its from

  5. October 9, 2008 / 1:11 am


    shoes are from ASOS but the ribbons are actually clip-ons from another pair of shoe I got in Korea.


    dress is by Atsuro Tayama.

  6. October 9, 2008 / 1:11 am


    shoes are from ASOS but the ribbons are actually clip-ons from another pair of shoe I got in Korea.


    dress is by Atsuro Tayama.

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