Help me decide

Dear readers,

I’ve been busy since I touched down so please be patient with email, fb and twitter replies yah?

I’ve a ton of photos  and videos to share with you all – outfit pictures, travel pictures among others but I haven’t had the time to edit the videos or watermark my photos though I promise to get down to it after this busy weekend.

I also intend to get a new camera cause the one I currently have is falling apart from wear and tear (just think about how much pictures I have on my blog!). I’m toying with the options of a DSLR or a compact. While a DSLR would definitely produce much better results, I’m not sure how practical it is for me to walk around looking like part of the paparazzi. I really envy girls that take fantastic photos with their SLRs cause personally my photo-taking skills are blah so I would feel a tad embarrass to whip out a huge camera to take photos of food or friends at a restaurant ( I can just imagine everyone staring at me thinking I’m some pro). So my dear readers please give me some feedback. Tell me if the photos on my blog which are shot with a compact camera are up to standard or do they irk you and you’ll like to venture into higher quality pictures.

Meanwhile, here’s the outfit post for the day.





  1. September 2, 2009 / 7:00 pm

    i am perfectly fine with the quality of the pictures you take with your normal camera. hey, it’s not always the camera that works wonders, it’s also the lighting and the photographer! from what i’ve seen so far on your blog (and i think i’ve seen quite a lot, heh! 🙂 ), your pictures are great and i enjoy them, so save yourself the hassle of lugging around a DSLR!

    anyway, welcome back!

    • September 3, 2009 / 12:06 pm


      Thanks for the feedback. I’ve gathered quite a lot of response from friends and so far the majority feels the same way. =)

  2. September 2, 2009 / 7:00 pm

    i am perfectly fine with the quality of the pictures you take with your normal camera. hey, it’s not always the camera that works wonders, it’s also the lighting and the photographer! from what i’ve seen so far on your blog (and i think i’ve seen quite a lot, heh! 🙂 ), your pictures are great and i enjoy them, so save yourself the hassle of lugging around a DSLR!

    anyway, welcome back!

    • September 3, 2009 / 12:06 pm


      Thanks for the feedback. I’ve gathered quite a lot of response from friends and so far the majority feels the same way. =)

  3. September 3, 2009 / 1:05 pm

    Your existing pictures are great =)

    I’ve experimented with both types of cameras and I realized that DSLR can somehow compensate for “not so good” photography skills as the photos do turn out better (sharper and brighter colors probably?)

    But then the photos on your blog are really good already… unless you want to be a perfectionist and make it even better…

    As you know, there’s always a tradeoff between quality and convenience…

    But I must say… it would be quite cool to get the stares too you know? LOL…

    I used my sony cybershot for my Europe shots but a DSLR for my friend’s. And when I was taking the photos I really felt like a “real” photographer haha…

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:06 pm


      Thanks for sharing your personal experience. I actually do own a DSLR… it’s just a really old one so it’s much heavier. I never got used to the stares whenever I use it.

  4. September 3, 2009 / 1:05 pm

    Your existing pictures are great =)

    I’ve experimented with both types of cameras and I realized that DSLR can somehow compensate for “not so good” photography skills as the photos do turn out better (sharper and brighter colors probably?)

    But then the photos on your blog are really good already… unless you want to be a perfectionist and make it even better…

    As you know, there’s always a tradeoff between quality and convenience…

    But I must say… it would be quite cool to get the stares too you know? LOL…

    I used my sony cybershot for my Europe shots but a DSLR for my friend’s. And when I was taking the photos I really felt like a “real” photographer haha…

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:06 pm


      Thanks for sharing your personal experience. I actually do own a DSLR… it’s just a really old one so it’s much heavier. I never got used to the stares whenever I use it.

  5. September 4, 2009 / 7:41 am

    I love the pictures you taken for your blog! Even my friends who access to your blog from my blog link had commented that your photos were great too! 🙂

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:08 pm


      Thank you for the feedback. I guess I should worry less about the quality of the camera and focus on the quality of the photographer.

  6. September 4, 2009 / 7:41 am

    I love the pictures you taken for your blog! Even my friends who access to your blog from my blog link had commented that your photos were great too! 🙂

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:08 pm


      Thank you for the feedback. I guess I should worry less about the quality of the camera and focus on the quality of the photographer.

  7. September 4, 2009 / 3:20 pm

    Hi Karen,

    Personally i think you can stick to the compact camera! I’m also using Ixus 860 IS & i’m happy with the quality of the pictures too =)

    So which camera are you looking at now??

    Btw i’m not sure if i’ve asked you this before but may i know where did you get your heels from & how much?

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:11 pm


      The Ixus860 IS has been a loyal companion for me and I love it to bits! But I get a little frustrated at the noise level in the night shots without flash. I’m currently considering the Panasonic LX-3 or the GH1. My heels are from a spree by melissa shoes and it’s about $30++ i or so.

  8. September 4, 2009 / 3:20 pm

    Hi Karen,

    Personally i think you can stick to the compact camera! I’m also using Ixus 860 IS & i’m happy with the quality of the pictures too =)

    So which camera are you looking at now??

    Btw i’m not sure if i’ve asked you this before but may i know where did you get your heels from & how much?

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:11 pm


      The Ixus860 IS has been a loyal companion for me and I love it to bits! But I get a little frustrated at the noise level in the night shots without flash. I’m currently considering the Panasonic LX-3 or the GH1. My heels are from a spree by melissa shoes and it’s about $30++ i or so.

  9. September 4, 2009 / 9:24 pm

    There is a new Olympus-PEN. Size as small as any other digi-cameras but it has DSLR-quality!

    I am not sure if it’s in the market YET but I’d seen the pics taken online – very good one!

    Small size and looks really awesome and cool! But price is definitely more expensive than a digi-camera.

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:15 pm


      I’ve seen the PEN-1 and I love the retro style. But this camera is not on my list of considerations because of 2 main factors – it doesn’t have build-in flash and it’s auto focus is rather sluggish. It’ll be a camera I’ll buy for fun and style if I want a secondary one.

  10. September 4, 2009 / 9:24 pm

    There is a new Olympus-PEN. Size as small as any other digi-cameras but it has DSLR-quality!

    I am not sure if it’s in the market YET but I’d seen the pics taken online – very good one!

    Small size and looks really awesome and cool! But price is definitely more expensive than a digi-camera.

    • September 4, 2009 / 10:15 pm


      I’ve seen the PEN-1 and I love the retro style. But this camera is not on my list of considerations because of 2 main factors – it doesn’t have build-in flash and it’s auto focus is rather sluggish. It’ll be a camera I’ll buy for fun and style if I want a secondary one.

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