Happy Bernice

I’ve not been updating my blog cause I’m down with a terrible flu. Went to see a doctor last night and took medication so with some luck it’ll wind down by tomorrow. Seems like the flu bug is back since the clinic was totally packed!

Anyways, I want to dedicate this post to one of my best buds – Bernice. We were from the same primary… secondary and JC! And we are still great shopping pals. Saturday was her birthday but she has reserved it to spend with her special someone (who proposed on her birthday! Congrats!) so I wanted to meet her on Friday… the day before.

Didn’t have time to find her a really good prezzie so I just got her some fresh Belgian chocolates from Leonidas . Also passed her the pink Hello Kitty key chain I bought for her from Japan. I have the red one!

The plan was to take her to a cozy restaurant and treat her to a sumptuous meal. Unfortunately we both had late lunch that day and ended up having drinks at TCC instead. After which we did what every girl knows best…. SHOPPING! And boy did we spend a bomb! If I remember correctly… Bernice bought 2 dresses… 1 top… 1 necklace… 1 clutch… 1 bracelet and 1 pair of earings. While I got 1 clutch… 1 DVF dress and 1 hat.

We bought the same clutch! This is how it looks like…

and my hat

which Berns persuaded me to get is from the Accessorize kids section cause I have a small head. My dress is undergoing some minor alterations so I’ll have to take a picture of it another time.

It was a really fun day I wished we had remembered to take more pictures. I can’t believe we didn’t take one of us together! This is our individual snapshots at Hans as we grab our last minute dinner of fish and chips before Berns had to rush to Vivocity to meet her beau.

Also added a picture of me on my sofa at home.


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